Infertility Prayer is a form of prayer that is often used by couples who are struggling with infertility and seeking to conceive a child. This practice can be found in various religious and spiritual traditions around the world, and it is often used to offer supplication and seek guidance from a higher power. Infertility can be a challenging and emotionally draining experience for individuals and couples, and Infertility Prayer can provide a sense of comfort and support during this difficult time. This prayer emphasizes the importance of faith, hope, and perseverance, and it is often accompanied by other spiritual practices such as meditation, fasting, or acts of charity. Infertility Prayer can be practiced individually or with the support of a community, and it is a powerful way to find solace and strength while navigating the challenging journey of infertility.
Please read the prayers below which will provide guidance for Infertility Prayer. May God Bless You!
Infertility Prayer 1
Bless them with the conception,
Healthy delivery and joyful rearing of children to cherish made in your image and likeness. Dwell with them and console them as they wait for the gifts given in your good time. With Sarah and Abraham, Rachel and Jacob, Hannah and Elkanah, Zachariah and Elizabeth, we pray.
Infertility Prayer 2
For all the blessings in my life. Help me to remember them as I face the challenges of infertility. I pray that I can surrender myself into your hands. Let me accept the reality of this situation and have the wisdom and courage to take action where I can. Strengthen my body, mind and spirit to endure the trials of infertility. Keep me ever mindful of the needs of others and grant us your peace.
Infertility Prayer 3
Dear Lord,
The pain of infertility is so deep. All of our lives, we dream of being mothers, of raising children with loving hearts to do your will on this earth. Month after month when that dream does not come true, it so painful, Lord. We feel like our dreams die each month with empty arms. Please guide us to trust in your plan for us. We desperately need you in our lives. Thank you for all the blessings we do have, knowing through you all things are possible.
Infertility Prayer 4
Good St. Gerard,
Powerful intercessor before the throne of God, wonder-worker of our day, we call upon you and seek your aid. You know that this marriage has not as yet been blessed with a child and how much [husband’s name] and [wife’s name] desire this gift. Please present these fervent pleas to the Creator of life from whom all parenthood proceeds and beseech Him to bless this couple with a child whom they may raise as His child and heir of heaven.
Infertility Prayer 5
You know that I still desire a baby – someone to mold, teach, train, shape, guide, and help to grow in You. But until the day You give me that joyous blessing, help me to grow in You. Let me reach out to those around me. Let me witness and minister to the children You place in my path.
Infertility Prayer 6
I want to give this desire, this drive, this ache up to You. Help me not to snatch it back as I so often do with the burdens I place in Your hands. Help me to be truly content with Your will and Your timing.