Prayers, Purpose

Prayer For Loneliness

Category: By Purpose
Length: 2 minutes

Feeling lonely is a universal human experience that can affect anyone at any time. This prayer seeks comfort and connection during times of isolation.

Prayer for Loneliness

Lord of Joy,

I come to You huddled in a deep pit of depression.
My loneliness has consumed my joy and taken over my life.
The hole I have dug is a dark and lonely one,
and I see no way out apart from Your help.

Your Word promises that You are all I need,
so I am asking for You to be my way out of this pit of depression.
Lord, lead me to the Rock that is higher than me
And help me to feel the warmth of Your love.

May Your presence satisfy my deepest longings,
and Your holiness light my way out.


Scripture for Reflection

The Lord himself goes before you and will be with you; he will never leave you nor forsake you. Do not be afraid; do not be discouraged.” — Deuteronomy 31:8

How to Use This Prayer

Pray this prayer whenever feelings of loneliness arise
Consider praying it in the evening when loneliness often feels strongest
You may also use it as a morning meditation to prepare for the day ahead

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