
Volunteer Prayer

Length: 6 minutes

volunteer prayer

Volunteer prayer refers to the act of praying voluntarily, without any obligation or requirement. It is a selfless act of offering prayers to a higher power or deity for the benefit of oneself or others. Many people choose to volunteer their prayers as a way to give back to their community, to express gratitude, or to seek guidance and support. Volunteer prayer can take many forms, including personal prayer, group prayer, or participating in organized prayer events. It can also be done in different settings, such as at home, in a place of worship, or in a natural environment. Regardless of the form or setting, volunteer prayer is a powerful way to connect with one’s spirituality and to contribute to the greater good.

Please read the prayers below which will provide guidance for Volunteer Prayer. May God Bless You!

Volunteer Prayer 1

Creator God,
Your Word tells me that I am Your workmanship created in Christ Jesus for good works, which You prepared beforehand so that I would walk in them. You have called me to serve You, and I stand ready and willing to volunteer wherever You desire. Please direct my heart to the areas of service where You can best utilize me as Your instrument of blessing to others. Prepare my heart to be tender to the prompting of the Holy Spirit so I can be used to speak to those in need. Thank you, Lord, for allowing me to labor in Your vineyard.

Volunteer Prayer 2

Jehovah Jireh,
My great provider, thank you for the volunteers You provide for the work entrusted to me. You call precisely the right people to the right area of service. I have seen You bring together groups of people who only had Your love in common. Yet, each one had an integral part to contribute to the work to which You called them. Thank you for calling out and gifting volunteers to serve. I stand amazed at Your great choreography called life, which brings Your children together to perform beautiful acts of service. Help us not to lose sight of Your grand redemptive masterplan.

Volunteer Prayer 3

My Rock, times of service can be intense and physically draining for volunteers because they don’t do the work every day. I pray for Your blessing on each of the volunteers You have brought to serve with me. I ask that You would set a guard over them and keep them strong in You. You promised that You would be our strength, so I ask You to give each volunteer the measure of the strength that they will need to accomplish what You have called them to do. I also pray that You would grant them discernment to know and honor their physical limitations. Lastly, I ask that they have the mind of Christ so that they will be emotionally ready to pour themselves out for the task before them.

Volunteer Prayer 4

O Mighty God,
As the volunteers prepare to take part in their area of service You have called them for, I pray for their physical protection. As they step out to serve You, they all have bullseyes on their backs, and the enemy is making ready his fiery arrows. I pray Lord that Your shield of power and love would be over their every moment leading up and during their volunteer service. I pray that You let no weapon formed against to prevail. Go before them in all areas of their lives and keep them safely set apart for the service You have prepared for them.

Volunteer Prayer 5

O God,
My Fortress, many times when I volunteer, a spiritual attack precedes my service. The attacks have come at me from various directions, and the intent was to stop me from my service. You Lord have been and will continue to be faithful because it is Your nature. I pray You would be faithful to Your promise to strengthen and protect me from the evil one. May Your mighty strength hold back all of the enemy’s attack on my physical wellbeing. Please direct my heart to Your love and Christ’s perseverance. I pray You will keep me in the safety of Your power.

Volunteer Prayer 6

My God,
As I deal with the necessary preparations for volunteering, I realized that my service often involves working in unclean places and contact with a significant number of people. In the past, I have had experiences of getting ill, and I have seen some fellow volunteers develop sudden illnesses. Sickness hinders or sometimes even stops our volunteering. Lord, as I set out to volunteer, I pray You will remove any danger to my health, which lies before me. I pray You would give me discernment to prepare for, recognize, and deal with anything that might hinder my service.

Volunteer Prayer 7

My God,
As I deal with the necessary preparations for volunteering, I realized that my service often involves working in unclean places and contact with a significant number of people. In the past, I have had experiences of getting ill, and I have seen some fellow volunteers develop sudden illnesses. Sickness hinders or sometimes even stops our volunteering. Lord, as I set out to volunteer, I pray You will remove any danger to my health, which lies before me. I pray You would give me discernment to prepare for, recognize, and deal with anything that might hinder my service.

Volunteer Prayer 8

Loving Creator,
Thank you for the volunteers who are willing to come and serve in places that are not always easy. These are the places where Your love and there love is needed most. I pray that the volunteers will be lights on a hill, leading all who see them towards You. To do this, Lord, they need good health. I pray for a bubble of protection to surround each one of the volunteers. I ask that no plan hatched against their health will prevail in keeping them from their service. Give them the wisdom to make choices that will keep their health at its best so they can serve You to their fullest.

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