
Prayer For Valentines Day

prayer for valentines day

Valentine’s Day is a special occasion where we express our love and affection towards our significant others. While we often focus on the romantic aspect of this day, it’s also an opportunity to show appreciation for all the people we love in our lives. One way to do this is through prayer. Prayer allows us to connect with a higher power and express our gratitude for the love we have received and the love we give to others. We can also pray for guidance and strength to continue nurturing our relationships and making them stronger. On Valentine’s Day, let us take a moment to pause and pray for all the people we hold dear to our hearts, and may our prayers help us appreciate and cherish the love that surrounds us.

Please read the prayers below which will provide guidance for Prayer For Valentines Day. May God Bless You!

Prayer For Valentines Day 1

I know that for my husband to love me, he first has to love You. Speak to his heart. Whisper to him in the moments that most matter. Show him he can trust You. Love on him so strongly he never has the need to look for another. Be his everything. You gave my husband and I to each other. You blessed our union. I know You want it to work even more than we do. Protect our bond. Keep my husband’s heart and eyes focused on me. Take away temptation. Stop anything thoughts that would lead him away. Put a wall around our relationship that keeps it just the three of us. With You in the middle, we can stand against anything. Thank you for the man You’re molding him to be. Lord, I finally love this man you’ve given me the way I’m supposed to—with all my heart and soul. I want to do life with him, grow old with him, rock grandchildren with him. Bring him home to me every time he leaves. Walk ahead of him. Keep him safe—physically, emotionally, and spiritually. Take care of him.

Prayer For Valentines Day 2

Lord God,
You are the Creator of love and the Author of romance. It was all Your idea in the first place. And therefore, You understand more than anyone else when I feel I am lacking in what others seem to have in abundance. Thank You that You understand the deep desire of my heart for companionship, emotional fulfillment, and physical and emotional intimacy. You made me with a desire to be fully known and loved by another. Help me to see that You know me fully, and understand me more than any other. Comfort me with that assurance on the days when I wish I had someone physically – or emotionally – close to me. On this day that so many celebrate love, help me to celebrate Your love for me, with a deep knowledge that You love me more than any person on this earth ever will. Help me to find joy in that as I wait for Your best for me. You know what I long for and what disappoints me. Comfort me on those days when I feel disappointed and hurt by what this world has to offer. Help me to remember that You are the only Perfect Love and the One I must keep my eyes upon. Thank You for Your demonstration of sacrificial love for me and remind me that no one on earth could express that kind of love toward me. You truly are the One I must seek above any other. In Jesus’ Name.

Prayer For Valentines Day 3

Dear Lord,
Help me remember and embrace the overwhelming love You have for me, especially on those days when I feel like romantic love is lacking in my life. I know You hear the desires of my heart when it comes to earthly relationships, but help me believe You have good plans for me and that in Your love, I can feel joy and happiness every day of the year. Help me always remember that no matter what, Your love is enough. In Jesus’ Name.

Prayer For Valentines Day 4

I come to You shattered and brokenhearted but with a heart full of faith. I believe You not only can heal me but You can turn this despair into joy. You can use my healed hurt to make me more compassionate. I pray You would give me the determination to celebrate Your love story this Valentine’s Day. In Jesus’ Name.

Prayer For Valentines Day 5

Dearest Heavenly Father,
I want to thank you for the precious gift of love you have given to the world and to me. Thank you for blessing me every day with this love and the power and strength that I get from you every single day. Without your love for me I can’t be….I can’t function….I can’t even breathe…because I NEED your love to sustain me. It’s like food and medicine for my soul Lord. Please continue to let me feel your comforting love in my life and Lord I give myself over to you to perfect in me this gift of love…that I may be able to express it and share it with others. Lord…I have not always been good at this…forgive me. Lord…some people are harder to love than others…but I want to be like your Son Jesus…so please continue the work you are doing in my heart so my heart will be like yours. In Jesus name I pray. Father I love you so much.

Prayer For Valentines Day 6

Dear Lord,
Thank you for the blessing of my children. They bring me such joy and I know that they are a gift that you have generously given. I pray that I will not take this gift for granted and I will love them in the way that you wish. Sometimes my patience wears thin and I know that I am not in the center of your will. I pray for forgiveness those days and for gentle reminders to be back at the center of your will. In your name, I pray these things.

Prayer For Valentines Day 7

Dear Abba Father,
It is another Valentine’s Day, and I am still single. What are you doing? Is there something that I’m not doing correctly? I want to be in a relationship and feel loved and cherished. However, I know that you love and cherish me so much more than a relationship could. Help me be content in this season of life, but please send me a godly relationship someday that I can cherish. In your name.

Prayer For Valentines Day 8

Dear Father God,
I am so grateful for this person that I am dating. He/she is everything that I hoped or prayed for. My heart is tender and sometimes I want to rush things. Help me take this relationship at a pace that will please you. May we honor and glorify you as we grow closer to each other. Thank you for blessing me with this person. You give me so much when I deserve nothing.

About Stephen s. griffin

Stephen S. Griffin is the founder of and is dedicated to helping individuals find peace, purpose, and direction through prayer and spiritual practices. Connect with us on social media to receive daily inspiration, prayer support, and faith-filled encouragement.

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