
Integrity Prayer

Length: 8 minutes

Integrity Prayer

Dear Higher Power, I come to you with humility and a sincere desire to live a life of integrity. I ask for your guidance and strength to always do what is right, even when it is difficult or inconvenient. Please help me to be honest with myself and others, to stand up for my beliefs, and to treat others with fairness and compassion. May my words and actions reflect my values and honor the trust that others have placed in me. I pray that I may always have the courage to admit my mistakes and take responsibility for my actions. Thank you for the gift of integrity, and for the opportunity to be a positive influence in the world.

Please read the prayers below which will provide guidance for Integrity Prayer. May God Bless You!

Integrity Prayer 1

Heavenly Father,
Your are good and righteous altogether and I come to You today, confessing that I have not lived my life the way that You would have wanted, nor did I choose the path that You would have wished for me to take. I confess my lack and come to You in humility of spirit, knowing that in Your loving-kindness, You forgive those that are of a contrite heart. Father, I want to turn my life around and live in a way that is transparent before You. I want to live a godly life that is pleasing to You and a life that brings glory to Your name. Lord, I do not want to grieve or quench the work of the Holy Spirit in my life any more, and know that the only way to please You is to walk in spirit and truth, and to live each day in submission to Your guidance, and empowered by Your grace. Cleanse my heart of sin, forgive my stupidity and teach me Your ways I pray. Lord, I want to change my behaviour to reflect those of the Lord Jesus and I want the thoughts of my mind to be pleasing in Your sight. I want to be a person of integrity, and live a life that is godly and full of grace, and I can only do so as I abide in You and rest in Your love. Teach me Your ways and give me a teachable spirit so that in the days to come I may live godly in Christ Jesus, knowing that this is Your will for my life. Thank You that You have been faithful to me even when I proved unfaithful, and in Your grace, I step out into the future with my hand in Yours. In Jesus’ name I pray.

Integrity Prayer 2

Dear Lord Jesus,
You were the one Who said, “let the children come to me for of such is the kingdom of heaven.” I thank You for my children and the way that they are learning about You in their daily lives. I ask that in Your grace they may grow in wisdom and integrity and understand the importance of honesty and truth. Give me wisdom as I teach and train them so that they learn to make the right choices and to grow closer to You each day. Lord, You promised that if we bring up a child in the way they should go then when they are older they will not depart from it. Help me to lay a good, firm spiritual foundation based on correct scriptural principles in their lives. Give me wisdom as I correct them, and keep me from expecting behaviours from them that I do not fully comply with in my own life. Lord, I pray that they come to a true understanding of biblical standards and godly values, and that they learn to quickly acknowledge their faults while knowing that it is by Your grace that they are forgiven and by Your grace that they may grow to be more like the Lord Jesus. Guide them into truth, and I ask that they may come to know and love You more and more Whom to know is life eternal. Help them to develop truth in the inward parts and realise the importance of integrity and honesty in all they say and do. Lord, I give my children over to You and pray that You would equip me to furnish them with all they need to grow into godly men and women. In Jesus’ name I pray.

Integrity Prayer 3

Loving Lord, I kneel humbly before You seeking Your grace and guidance for my future life and witness. Times have become increasingly difficult, but You are my Lord and Saviour and I only want to do that which is pleasing to You and honouring to Your name.Give me I pray, patience and perseverance, insight and integrity in my work environment and business dealings, knowing that this world is a place that is increasingly discarding the unchangeable principles of Scripture and the godly traits of honesty, sincerity and integrity. But Lord, I pray that I may maintain all that is good and righteous in my position of employment and not compromise the standard that You desire for my life.Give me wisdom as I face the daily challenges in my place of occupation and I pray that I may conduct all my activities with honesty, integrity and fairness. I pray Your blessing on all I do and may my life and witness be such that You are not discredited, but rather that Your name may be glorified in all I do. In Jesus’ name I pray,

Integrity Prayer 4

we want the joy and peace that comes with the gift of integrity. We know that the path of integrity is revealed in your Word. Today we confess that we have strayed from that path and followed our own way instead. Fill our hearts and minds with the truth of your Word. Guide us by your faithful instructions. May each step we take along a path of integrity bring us greater joy.

Integrity Prayer 5

Loving Father,
Thank You for Christ Jesus our Lord, Who was the perfect example of a man with a godly character and integrity of spirit. Lord, I long to be more like Jesus in all my actions and attitudes. I pray that You would guard my heart, strengthen my character, teach me Your ways, uphold me with Your righteous right hand and develop in me the grace and integrity that only comes from being in Christ. Help me to be true to Your Word and righteous in all my doings, and enable me to conquer the temptations, tests and trial that will inevitably come my way, in a manner that is pleasing to You. Help me to be diligent in my work, faithful in my witness, helpful to those with whom I come in contact and be ready to wait on You for Your right timing and for Your best direction. Give me I pray, more of Your grace so that I may speak the truth in love. Enable me to grow in sincerity and wisdom and in the light of Your perfect love, search out any dark area in my heart that needs to be cut away or pruned back, so that I may be fruitful in Your service, grow in grace and be increasingly conformed into the image of the Lord Jesus Christ, in Whose name I pray.

Integrity Prayer 6

We ask that you make our paths forward safe as we choose integrity. We also ask that you would shed light on those who follow crooked paths. May their dishonesty be exposed so corrections can be made before further damage occurs. Help our entire nation choose a path of revival and faith, rather than the crooked way. May we see a new wave of integrity sweeping over our nation by the power of the Holy Spirit. In Jesus’ Name.

Integrity Prayer 7

Gracious God,
I want to be a person of integrity. I want all the pieces of my life to fit together beautifully, according to your design. I want to live out my beliefs, to honor you in everything I do, especially at work. Sometimes this is hard, Lord. It’s so tempting to cut corners morally, to tell “little white lies,” to talk behind someone else’s back. I see others advancing in their careers by bending the truth or undermining their colleagues and I am enticed to imitate them. Forgive me when I give into temptation, when I shatter the wholeness of my life. Help me, I pray, to live each day with integrity. May I learn to trust you in every part of life, including my daily work. When I trust you fully, Lord, then I will be able to live a whole life. I won’t cut corners to advance at work. Rather, I’ll trust my future to you as I seek to honor you in all I do.

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