Prayer to St. Paul invokes one of Christianity’s most transformative figures. From persecutor to apostle, Paul’s dramatic conversion on the road to Damascus and subsequent ministry shaped Christian theology and practice.
His epistles form much of the New Testament, and his missionary journeys spread Christianity throughout the Roman world. These prayers reflect themes of conversion, evangelization, and zealous faith, making them particularly meaningful for those seeking transformation in their spiritual lives or guidance in sharing their faith.
Historical Context
Saint: Paul the Apostle
Feast Day: June 29 (with St. Peter), January 25 (Conversion)
Patronage: Missionaries, Evangelists, Writers, Media
Era: 1st Century
Prayer to St. Paul 1
O God,
Who hast taught the multitude of the Gentiles
by the preaching of blessed Paul the Apostle:
grant unto us, we beseech Thee,
that we who keep his memory sacred,
may feel the might of his intercession before Thee.
Through Christ our Lord.
Best Times for This Prayer:
Prayer to St. Paul 2
O Glorious Saint Paul,
After persecuting the Church
you became by God’s grace its most zealous Apostle.
To carry the knowledge of Jesus, our Divine Savior,
to the uttermost parts of the earth,
you joyfully endured prison, scourging, stoning, and shipwreck,
as well as all manner of persecutions
culminating in the shedding of the last drop of your blood
for our Lord Jesus Christ.
Obtain for us the grace to labor strenuously
to bring the faith to others
and to accept any trials and tribulations
that may come our way.
Help us to be inspired by your Epistles
and to partake of your indomitable love for Jesus,
so that after we have finished our course
we may join you in praising Him in Heaven for all eternity.