The Prayer to St. Gerard is a widely known prayer among Catholics, particularly those who are expecting mothers or trying to conceive. St. Gerard Majella is the patron saint of mothers, expectant mothers, and those struggling with infertility. The prayer to St. Gerard is a powerful invocation seeking his intercession for a safe pregnancy, healthy delivery, and the protection of the unborn child. Many people turn to this prayer in times of anxiety and uncertainty during pregnancy, and it is often recited in Catholic churches or during personal devotions. The Prayer to St. Gerard has a rich history of devotion and is a source of comfort and hope for many individuals and families.
Please read the prayers below which will provide guidance for Prayer To St Gerard. May God Bless You!
Prayer To St Gerard 1
O Almighty and everlasting God,
Who didst draw to thyself Saint Gerard, even from his tenderest years, making him conformable to the Image of Thy Crucified Son, grant we beseech Thee, that imitating his example, through Jesus Christ our Lord.
Prayer To St Gerard 2
O Good St Gerard,
Powerful intercessor before God and wonder worker of our day, confidently I call upon you and seek your aid. On Earth, you always fulfilled God’s designs, help me now to do the holy will of God. Implore the Master of Life, from whom all paternity proceeds, to render me fruitful in offspring, that I may raise up children to God in this life, and in the world to come, heirs to the Kingdom of His Glory.
Prayer To St Gerard 3
St. Gerard,
You had deep compassion for those who longed for children. Pray for us in our longing and bring our love to a joyful fulfilment. Ask our Lord and his Mother Mary to bless us with the birth of a child.
Prayer To St Gerard 4
O Saint Gerard,
Who like the Savior, loved children so tenderly and by your prayers freed many from disease and even from death; graciously look down upon the distressed parents who plead with thee for their child’s health if such be the Will, of God. Present their promise to God to bring up the child a good Christian and to guard it by word and example against the fatal leprosy of sin. This favor we implore thee, O sainted Brother, through the tender love with which Jesus and Mary blessed thy own innocent childhood.
Prayer To St Gerard 5
O good Saint Gerard,
Powerful intercessor before God and Wonderworker of our day, I call upon thee and seek thy aid. Thou who on earth didst always fulfill God’s designs, help me to do the holy Will of God. Beseech the Master of Life, from Whom all paternity proceedeth, to render me fruitful in offspring, that I may raise up children to God in this life and heirs to the Kingdom of His Glory in the world to come.
Prayer To St Gerard 6
Saint Gerard,
Unconquered hero, most patient in suffering, do thou who didst glory in infirmity, and under slander and most cruel ignominy didst rejoice to suffer with Christ, obtain for me patience and resignation in my sorrows, that I may bravely bear the cross that is to gain for me the crown of everlasting glory. Then say Nine Hail Marys, with the following Versicle and Prayer. V. Pray for us, O Saint Gerard. R. That we may be made worthy of the promises of Christ.
Prayer To St Gerard 7
Saint Gerard,
Model of holy obedience, who through thy life didst heroically submit the judgment to those who represent Jesus Christ to thee, thus sanctifying thy lowliest actions, obtain for me from God cheerful admission to His Holy Will and the virtue of perfect obedience, that I may be made comfortable to Jesus, my Model, who was obedient even to death. Then say Nine Hail Marys, with the following Versicle and Prayer. V. Pray for us, O Saint Gerard. R. That we may be made worthy of the promises of Christ.
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