The Prayer to St. Medard invokes the intercession of this powerful patron saint of weather and storms. St. Medard (456-545), a French bishop known for his miraculous protection against natural disasters, is often called upon during times of severe weather.
According to legend, an eagle once spread its wings over him as a shield during a rainstorm, leading to his association with protection from bad weather. His prayers are particularly meaningful for those seeking safety during storms and natural disasters.
Historical Context
Saint: Medard of Noyon
Feast Day: June 8
Patronage: Protection against bad weather, Farmers, Brewers
Era: 5th-6th Century
Saint Medard Prayer 1
Saint Medard,
Patron saint for protection against bad storms,
we ask you to intercede for us during the storms of our lives
as well as the storms in nature.
Protect our families and our homes.
We pray for assistance for the victims of snowstorms,
hurricanes, tornadoes, earthquakes,
and other natural disasters,
Loving God, send in more helpers,
and multiply resources and supplies
for the aid of those in need
You calmed the storm on the Sea of Galilee
deliver us from the storms that are raging around us now.
Saint Medard, pray for us.
Best Times for This Prayer:
Saint Medard Prayer 2
Jesus My Lord,
Saint Medard served as a bishop during
very difficult times, and his long life of spiritual leadership
created a tremendous impression on the people.
Because of his patronage against bad weather,
I ask him to intercede for me
during the storms of my life as well as the storms in nature.
Protect me and my home.
And Lord, help the victims of hurricanes,
tornadoes, earthquakes and other natural disasters.
Send in more helpers and multiply the supplies
that are needed for their aid.
You calmed the storm on the Sea of Galilee;
deliver us from the storms that are raging around us now.
Saint Medard, pray for us.