
Christmas Night Prayer

Length: 3 minutes

Christmas Night Prayer

Christmas Night Prayer is a Christian prayer that is often recited on the night of December 25th. It is a solemn and reflective prayer that offers thanks for the birth of Jesus Christ, and seeks blessings and guidance for the coming year. The origins of Christmas Night Prayer can be traced back to the early days of Christianity, and it has been passed down through generations as a cherished tradition. The prayer is known for its powerful language and imagery, and is often seen as a way of expressing the deep faith and devotion of Christians around the world. Whether recited alone or as part of a larger community, Christmas Night Prayer remains a powerful and moving expression of Christian faith and devotion.

Please read the prayers below which will provide guidance for Christmas Night Prayer . May God Bless You!

Christmas Night Prayer 1

Almighty God,
Who has poured upon us the new light of your Incarnate Word; Grant that the same light enkindled in our hearts may shine forth in our lives through Jesus Christ our Lord.

Christmas Night Prayer 2

Lord Jesus,
the day of your nativity approaches,
the day on which we commemorate
your birth,
your condescension,
your humble incarnation.
Please help me and mine
to approach that day on tiptoe,
with reverence and awe,
mindful of your holiness and beauty,
and grateful for the privilege
of finding
and approaching
and kneeling at
your manger.

Christmas Night Prayer 3

Dear Father,
I treasure my friend so much, I thank you for their presence in my life. I ask you to watch over them, to lead them into hope and blessing. I trust that you will protect and hold them when life is hard. Lord, help me to be a good friend to them.

Christmas Night Prayer 4

Almighty God,
Radiant with light, Cast your goodness to shine upon me. Most wonderful Lord, creator of all things, Hold your truth to shield me. Majestic King who reigns over all, Slay with great love all the shadows around me. Prince of Peace, glorious and true, Lift your arms of strength to cover me All this night through.

Christmas Night Prayer 5

O Lord our God,
King of the Universe. Let the wings of sleep fall upon my eyes, and upon my eyelids. O Blessed One, Let me lie down in peace, and rise in peace. Into Your hand I entrust my spirit.

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