Prayers, Saints

Saint Francis de Sales Prayer

Category: Saints
Length: 4 minutes
Saint Francis de Sales Prayer

St. Francis de Sales was a French bishop and theologian who lived from 1567 to 1622. Known as the “Gentleman St.” for his patience and gentleness, he is renowned for making the spiritual life accessible to laypeople through works like “Introduction to the Devout Life.” He is the patron saint of writers and journalists, and his approach to spiritual direction emphasized that holiness is possible in everyday life.

His prayers reflect his practical spirituality and his emphasis on living a devout life in the world with gentleness and love.

Historical Context

Saint: Francis de Sales

Feast Day: January 24

Patronage: Writers, journalists, the deaf

Era: 1567-1622 AD

St. Francis de Sales Prayer 1

O God,
Who for the salvation of souls,
did will that St. Francis de Sales
should become all things to all men and women,
mercifully grant that we, helped by the gentleness of his charity,
guided by his teachings,
and sharing in his merits,
may obtain eternal happiness.
This we ask through Christ our Lord.

Best Times for This Prayer:

When seeking spiritual guidance
For growth in gentleness

St. Francis de Sales Prayer 2

My God,
I give you this day.
I offer you, now, all of the good that I shall do
and I promise to accept, for love of you,
all of the difficulty that I shall meet.
Help me to conduct myself during this day
in a manner pleasing to you.

Best Times for This Prayer:

Morning offering
Beginning of daily activities

St. Francis de Sales Prayer 3

O my God,
I thank you and I praise you
for accomplishing your holy and all-lovable will
without any regard for mine.
With my whole heart, in spite of my heart,
do I receive this cross I feared so much!
It is the cross of Your choice, the cross of Your love.
I venerate it; nor for anything in the world
would I wish that it had not come, since You willed it.
I keep it with gratitude and with joy,
as I do everything that comes from Your hand;
and I shall strive to carry it without letting it drag,
with all the respect and all the affection which Your works deserve.

Best Times for This Prayer:

During times of trial
When accepting difficult circumstances

St. Francis de Sales Prayer 4

O Blessed Virgin,
Dear mother of mine,
I salute you, and revere you with all my heart.
Mother of Mercy, pray for me.
Queen of Heaven, I commend my soul to you.
O my tender Mother, obtain that I may be loved by your Son.
Sweet hope with Jesus, sweet refuge of sinners,
I throw myself at your feet.
Cause me to experience the effect of the power
which you possess with the Holy Trinity,
O glorious Virgin Mary.

Best Times for This Prayer:

For Marian devotion
When seeking Mary’s intercession

St. Francis de Sales Prayer 5

O my Jesus,
Fill our hearts with the sacred balm of Thy Holy Name,
that so the sweetness of its fragrance
may penetrate our senses,
and perfume our every action.
But, that our hearts may be capable of receiving this sweetness,
they must be circumcised:–
take, therefore, from them whatever could displease thy divine sight.
O glorious Name!
named by the heavenly Father from all eternity,
be thou for ever written on our souls;
that, as Thou, Jesus, art our Saviour,
so may our souls be eternally saved.
And thou, O Holy Virgin!
that wast the first among mortals to pronounce this saving Name,
teach us to pronounce it as it behoveth us,
that so we may merit the Salvation
which thou didst bring into this world.

Best Times for This Prayer:

For devotion to the Holy Name
When seeking spiritual transformation

Scripture Connection

“Be patient with all men. See that none render evil for evil to any man: but ever follow that which is good towards each other and towards all men.” – 1 Thessalonians 5:14-15, reflecting St. Francis de Sales’ emphasis on gentleness and patience

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