St. Dwynwen, the Welsh patron saint of lovers, lived in the 5th century. Her own experience of forbidden love and heartbreak led her to dedicate her life to God and help other lovers.
These prayers invoke her intercession for those experiencing relationship difficulties, seeking love, or healing from heartbreak. Her story of transforming personal suffering into service makes these prayers particularly meaningful for those navigating the complexities of love and relationships with faith.
Historical Context
Saint: Dwynwen
Feast Day: January 25
Patronage: Lovers, Welsh Lovers, Heartbreak
Era: 5th Century
St. Dwynwen Prayer 1
Oh Blessed Saint Dwynwen,
You who knew pain and peace, division and reconciliation,
You have promised to aid lovers
and you watch over those whose hearts have been broken.
As you received 3 boons from an Angel,
intercede for me to receive 3 blessings
to obtain my heart’s desire (state requests).
If that’s not God’s will,
a speedy healing from my pain,
your guidance and assistance
that I may find love with the right person
the right way in the right time,
and an unshakable faith in the boundless kindness
and wisdom of God.
This I ask in the name of Jesus Christ, our Lord.
Best Times for This Prayer:
St. Dwynwen Prayer 2
Dear Lord,
We thank You for giving us St. Dwynwen
as an example of holiness.
Help us to imitate the virtue she showed
in her relationship with the man she loved.
St. Dwynwen, you fell deeply in love with a man
and wished to marry him.
You were unable to marry this man you loved,
but you chose to continue striving for holiness
and serving God.
Please bring my petitions before God
Whom you chose to serve!
Though you felt deep pain over being unable
to marry your beloved,
you did not wallow in your sufferings.
Instead, you served God faithfully as a nun
for the rest of your life.
Pray for me, that I may choose to serve God faithfully,
no matter what sufferings I might endure.
Pray that I may choose to strive for holiness
and virtue in all areas of my life.
Please also pray for (mention your intentions here).
St. Dwynwen, pray for us!
In the name of the Father, and of the Son,
and of the Holy Spirit.