St. Sebastian (c. 256-288) was a Roman soldier and early Christian martyr, known for his extraordinary courage and devotion to faith. Despite being shot with arrows and left for dead, he survived and continued to proclaim his faith until his eventual martyrdom.
His remarkable strength and endurance have made him the patron saint of athletes, soldiers, and those seeking protection from disease. His prayers are particularly meaningful for those seeking physical and spiritual fortitude in times of trial.
Historical Context
Saint: Sebastian
Feast Day: January 20
Patronage: Athletes, Soldiers, Archers, Protection from Plague
Era: 3rd Century
Saint Sebastian Prayer 1
O Lord,
Grant us the spirit of fortitude,
so that guided by the example of the martyr St. Sebastian,
we may learn to bear witness to the Christian Faith
and patiently support the sufferings of life.
Through Christ Our Lord.
Best Times for This Prayer:
Saint Sebastian Prayer 2
Glorious Sebastian,
martyr and saint,
I call on your strength and courage
to help me through this difficult trial.
Your faith was so deep,
a multitude of arrows could not finish you.
I ask for your intercession
that I may also survive that which threatens
to destroy my beliefs in the mercy of Christ.
Best Times for This Prayer:
Saint Sebastian Prayer 3
Dear Commander at the Roman Emperor’s court,
You chose to be also a soldier of Christ
and dared to spread faith in the King of Kings,
for which you were condemned to die.
Your body, however, proved athletically strong
and the executing arrows extremely weak.
So another means to kill you was chosen
and you gave your life to the Lord.
May athletes be always as strong in their faith
as their patron saint so clearly has been.