Prayers, Saints

Saint Luke Prayer

Category: Saints
Length: 3 minutes
Saint Luke Prayer

The Prayer to St. Luke invokes the intercession of this remarkable saint, who was both a physician and an evangeliSt. St. Luke, the author of the Gospel of Luke and the Acts of the Apostles, is known for his detailed accounts of Jesus’s life and his special emphasis on Christ’s healing ministry and compassion.

As the patron saint of physicians and healthcare workers, his prayers are particularly meaningful for those seeking healing, working in medicine, or studying the gospels.

Historical Context

Saint: Luke the Evangelist

Feast Day: October 18

Patronage: Physicians, Surgeons, Artists, Students

Era: 1st Century AD

Saint Luke Prayer 1

Almighty God,
Who called St Luke the Physician,
whose praise is in the Gospel,
to be an Evangelist, and Physician of the soul:
May it please thee that, by the wholesome medicines
of the doctrine delivered by him,
all the diseases of our souls may be healed;
through the merits of thy Son Jesus Christ our Lord.

Best Times for This Prayer:

When seeking spiritual healing and guidance
For understanding the Gospels more deeply

Saint Luke Prayer 2

Most wonderful St. Luke
you are animated by the Heavenly Spirit of Love.
In faithfully detailing the humanity of Jesus,
you also showed His Divinity
and His genuine compassion for all human beings.
May the Holy Spirit,
instructor of the faithful,
help me to understand Christ’s words
and faithfully apply them in my life.

Best Times for This Prayer:

When studying scripture or seeking divine wisdom
For guidance in living Christ’s teachings

Saint Luke Prayer 3

Almighty God,
You inspired Your servant St. Luke
the Evangelist and Physician
to set forth in the gospel
the love and the healing power of your Son.
In faithfully detailing the humanity of Jesus,
he also showed the divinity of Jesus
and His genuine compassion for all human beings.
May St. Luke intercede for us
that we may deepen our understanding of the gospel
and grow in compassion of Jesus.
May his intercession enable our new parish
to follow Your way and plan for us.
We ask this through our Lord Jesus Christ
who lives and reigns with You and the Holy Spirit,
one God forever and ever.

Best Times for This Prayer:

For parish community growth and guidance
When seeking deeper understanding of Christ’s teachings

Saint Luke Prayer 4

Most charming and saintly Physician,
you were animated by the heavenly Spirit of love.
In faithfully detailing the humanity of Jesus,
you also showed his divinity
and his genuine compassion for all human beings.
Inspire our physicians with your professionalism
and with the divine compassion for their patients.
Enable them to cure the ills of both body and spirit
that afflict so many in our day.

Best Times for This Prayer:

For healthcare workers seeking guidance
When praying for medical healing

Saint Luke Prayer 5

O St. Luke,
You were chosen to reveal in preaching and writing
God’s love for the poor.
Moved by the heavenly Spirit of Love,
you detailed the life of Jesus,
showing His divinity and His genuine compassion
for all human beings.
Help those who already glory in God’s name
to persevere in one heart and one mind,
and inspire all people that they may
hear the Good News of Salvation.

Best Times for This Prayer:

For evangelization and spreading God’s word
When seeking unity in faith communities

Scripture Connection

“Luke, the beloved physician, sends you his greetings” – Colossians 4:14

Prayer Media

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