A Prayer for Sexual Healing is a powerful and deeply personal way to connect with the divine and seek spiritual guidance for issues related to sexuality and intimacy. Whether you are struggling with sexual dysfunction, trauma, shame, or simply seeking deeper connection and fulfillment in your sexual relationships, this prayer can help you access the healing energy of the universe and find greater peace, love, and joy in your sexuality. This prayer can be spoken aloud, whispered quietly to yourself, or simply meditated upon in silence. It may be helpful to light a candle or create a sacred space for yourself as you say the prayer, and to allow yourself to fully surrender to the healing power of the divine. Whether you are seeking physical healing or emotional and spiritual support, the prayer for sexual healing can be a powerful tool to help you connect with the divine and find greater peace and fulfillment in your sexual journey.
Please read the prayers below which will provide guidance for Prayer For Sexual Healing. May God Bless You!
Prayer For Sexual Healing 1
Lord Jesus,
I now consecrate my sexuality to you in every way. I consecrate my sexual intimacy with my spouse to you. I ask you to cleanse and heal my sexuality and our sexual intimacy in every way. I ask your healing grace to come and free me from all consequences of sexual sin. I ask you to fill my sexuality with your healing love and goodness. Restore my sexuality in wholeness. Let me and my spouse both experience all of the intimacy and pleasure you intended a man and woman to enjoy in marriage. I pray all this in the name of Jesus Christ my Lord.
Prayer For Sexual Healing 2
Lord Jesus,
I choose to forgive myself for all my sexual wrongdoing. I also choose to forgive those who have harmed me sexually. I release them to you. I release all my anger and judgment toward them. Come Lord Jesus, into the pain they caused me and heal me with your love. I now bring the Cross of my Lord Jesus Christ between me and every person with whom I have been sexually intimate. I break all sexual, emotional, and spiritual bonds between those I have been sexually intimate with. I keep the cross of Christ between us.
Prayer For Sexual Healing 3
I ask your Holy Spirit to help me now remember, confess, and renounce my sexual sins. Lord Jesus, I ask your forgiveness for every act of sexual sin. You promised that if we confess our sins you are faithful and just to forgive our sins and cleanse us from all unrighteousness. I ask you to cleanse me of my sexual sins now, cleanse my body, soul and spirit, cleanse my heart and mind and will, cleanse my sexuality. Thank you for forgiving me and cleansing me. I receive your forgiveness and cleansing. I renounce every claim I have given Satan to my life or sexuality through my sexual sins. Those claims are now broken by the Cross and blood of Jesus Christ.
Prayer For Sexual Healing 4
Lord Jesus Christ,
I confess here and now that you are my Creator and therefore the creator of my sexuality. I confess that you are also my Savior, that you have ransomed me with your blood. I have been bought with the blood of Jesus Christ; my life and my body belong to God. Jesus, I present myself to you now to be made whole and holy in every way, including my sexuality. You ask us to present our bodies to you as a living sacrifice and the parts of our bodies as instruments of righteousness. I do this now. I present my body, my sexuality as a woman, and I present my sexual nature to you.