
Halloween Prayer

Length: 2 minutes

Please read the prayers below which will provide guidance for Halloween Prayer. May God Bless You!

Halloween Prayer 1

Almighty God,
In whom is no darkness at all
Grant me your light perpetually,
and when I cannot see the way before me,
may I continue to put my trust in you;
that so, being guided and guarded by your love,
I may be kept from falling,
this day and all my days,
through Jesus Christ my Lord.

Halloween Prayer 2

Dear God,
we ask that your hand of protection is upon everyone out trick or treating this Halloween. Keep them safe from harm, protect them from injury, protect them from dangerous people, protect them from getting lost. Be with each child, parent and guardian. Help them to feel safe and secure in their community.

Halloween Prayer 3

Dear God,
we pray for each church across the country, for church leaders and volunteers who are planning to serve their community in new ways this Halloween. As many light events may not be possible, due to the Coronavirus, we pray that churches will be able to think of creative and innovative ways to bless their community. We pray for everyone involved in these activities, that they will be fruitful and be able to share the good news of Jesus with those that they meet.

Halloween Prayer 4

Dear God, On a day when darkness is celebrated, we pray for your light. Shine across our world and lead people to yourself this Halloween. We ask that you will lead people to turn away from evil, from witchcraft, from new age activities, from darkness. Reveal your light and your glory to them. Help us to fight against the work of the devil this Halloween, equip us and strengthen us. Amen.

Halloween Prayer 5

Almighty, ever-living God,
we are celebrating with joy
the triumph of your grace in all the saints.
With so vast a multitude praying for us,
may we receive from you
the fullness of mercy we have always desired.
Through our Lord Jesus Christ, your Son,
who lives and reigns with you in the unity of the Holy Spirit,
God, for ever and ever.

Halloween Prayer 6

Almighty God,
in whom is no darkness at all:
Grant me Your light perpetually,
and when I cannot see the way before me,
may I continue to put my trust in You;
that so, being guided and guarded by Your love,
I may be kept from falling,
this day and all my days,
through Jesus Christ my Lord.

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