Prayers, Saints

Saint John Neumann Prayer

Category: Saints
Length: 3 minutes
Saint John Neumann Prayer

St. John Neumann was a Catholic bishop who was known for his devotion to education and his tireless work in establishing Catholic schools in the United States. He was also the founder of the Sisters of the Third Order of St. Francis and was canonized as a saint in 1977. Born in Bohemia and immigrating to America, St. John Neumann became the patron saint of Catholic schools and immigrants.

His prayers reflect his deep spiritual life, his commitment to education, and his pastoral care for the faithful. These prayers invoke his intercession for those seeking guidance, particularly in education and spiritual growth, while expressing the depth of his personal devotion and trust in divine providence.

Historical Context

Saint: John Neumann

Feast Day: January 5

Patronage: Catholic education, immigrants

Era: 1811-1860 AD

St. John Neumann Prayer 1

My Jesus,
Banish the demon of despair!
My devotion has vanished, my tears are dried up,
thoughts of my angel and of my patron
no longer soothe my troubled soul!
Even Thy remembrance, my Savior,
and that of Thy Blessed Mother,
grow dim before my mental gaze.
O Jesus, do not forsake me!
Help me! Help me!
I am resolved not to omit a single one of my devotions.

Best Times for This Prayer:

During spiritual dryness
When struggling with despair

St. John Neumann Prayer 2

O my Jesus,
I am poor ignorant young man,
have become a shepherd in Thy sheepfold …
Grant that not one of those confided to me be lost …
Teach me to live, and, if needs be,
to die for my people that they all may be saved,
that they all may love Thy dear Mother.

Best Times for This Prayer:

For pastoral guidance
When seeking wisdom in leadership

St. John Neumann Prayer 3

O Saint John Neumann,
Your ardent desire of bringing all souls to Christ
impelled you to leave home and country;
teach us to live worthily in the spirit of our Baptism
which makes us all children of the one Heavenly Father
and brothers of Jesus Christ,
the first-born of the family of God.
Obtain for us that complete dedication
in the service of the needy, the weak,
the afflicted and the abandoned
which so characterized your life.
Help us to walk perseveringly
in the difficult and, at times, painful paths of duty,
strengthened by the Body and Blood of our Redeemer
and under the watchful protection of Mary our Mother.
May death still find us on the sure road to our Father’s house
with the light of living Faith in our hearts.

Best Times for This Prayer:

When seeking missionary zeal
For strength in serving others

St. John Neumann Prayer 4

St. John Neumann,
Obtain for me a solid faith
in all the teachings of the Catholic Church,
along with the light to know
the emptiness of earthly possessions,
along with the seriousness of my sins.
Obtain for me also the special favor
which I ask through your intercession with God.

Best Times for This Prayer:

For strengthening of faith
When seeking special intentions

Scripture Connection

“Feed the flock of God which is among you, taking care of it, not by constraint but willingly, according to God.” – 1 Peter 5:2, reflecting St. John Neumann’s pastoral dedication

Prayer Media

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