St. Gabriel is an archangel in the Christian tradition who is known for his role as a messenger of God. His name means “God is my strength” and he appears in both the Old and New Testaments. Most notably, he announced the birth of Jesus to the Virgin Mary.
The St. Gabriel Prayers are devotional prayers often recited to seek the intercession and guidance of this powerful archangel, particularly in matters of communication, understanding God’s will, and receiving divine messages. These prayers reflect Gabriel’s role as God’s messenger and his special connection to the mystery of the Incarnation.
Historical Context
Saint: Gabriel the Archangel
Feast Day: September 29 (with Michael and Raphael)
Patronage: Messengers, communications workers, broadcasters
Biblical Era: Old and New Testament
St. Gabriel Prayer 1
O blessed Archangel Gabriel,
We beseech thee,
do thou intercede for us at the throne of divine mercy
in our present necessities,
that as thou didst announce to Mary
the mystery of the Incarnation,
so through thy prayers and patronage in heaven
we may obtain the benefits of the same,
and sing the praise of God forever in the land of the living.
Best Times for This Prayer:
St. Gabriel Prayer 2
Almighty and ever-living God,
Since You chose the Archangel Gabriel
from among all the Angels
to announce the mystery of Your Son’s Incarnation,
mercifully grant that we who honor Him on earth
may feel the benefit of His patronage in heaven.
Who live and reign for ever.
Best Times for This Prayer:
St. Gabriel Prayer 3
O blessed Archangel Gabriel,
We beseech thee,
do thou intercede for us at the throne of divine mercy
in our present necessities,
that as thou didst announce to Mary
the mystery of the Incarnation,
so through thy prayers and patronage in heaven
we may obtain the benefits of the same,
and sing the praise of God forever in the land of the living.
Best Times for This Prayer:
St. Gabriel Prayer 4
Archangel Gabriel,
The angel of revelation,
I thank God for making you a powerful messenger
to deliver divine messages.
Please help me hear what God has to say to me,
so I can follow his guidance
and fulfill his purposes in my life.