
Preschool Prayer

Length: 3 minutes

preschool prayer

Preschool prayer is a simple yet powerful way to introduce young children to the concept of spirituality and encourage them to connect with a higher power. It involves teaching children to express their gratitude, ask for blessings, and seek forgiveness through prayer. Preschoolers are often introduced to prayer through simple rhymes or songs that they can easily memorize and repeat. Through these prayers, children learn important values such as kindness, empathy, and respect for others. Preschool prayer can also help children develop a sense of security and comfort, as they learn to trust that their needs and desires are being heard by a loving and caring force. Overall, preschool prayer can be a positive and meaningful addition to a child’s daily routine and can help lay the foundation for a lifelong spiritual practice.

Please read the prayers below which will provide guidance for Preschool Prayer. May God Bless You!

Preschool Prayer 1

Dear Lord Jesus,
We are excited to learn more about you, to read the bible and hear stories. Thank you that we can play games together. Thank you that we can create and make things that remind us of you.

Preschool Prayer 2

Dear Lord,
We thank you for all the time we have spent together this year. Thank you for allowing all of us the ability to nurture these children in your name. Father we ask that you watch over these graduating preschoolers. Walk with them, Lord, down their new paths. Grace them with confidence, Lord. Help the children feel you on their new adventures. Allow them the knowledge to know they have your love and protection. In Jesus name we pray.

Preschool Prayer 3

Our child is graduating from preschool and we are in need of your guidance. Lord, we ask that you show us which school will best meet our child’s needs. Father I ask that you place people in our lives, that have had different experiences with different schools. I would like the opportunity to talk over our different options with those who know better than I do. I ask that you guide my family and theirs to each other and fill our conversations with helpful information. Lord, allow my family to feel your strong presence in the correct school. Help us walk through the doors and see your brightness. Show us a teacher we can bond with, and an administrator we can easily communicate with. Father, we ask that our child shows us their excitement in the school you have chosen for us. Lord, we ask that you also grant us peace. We ask for you to take this heavy weight from us. Let us willingly trust in you. Give us the strength to follow you and your plans. Thank you, for blessing us with our beautiful child, Lord. We are so blessed to have you walking along side us. In Jesus name we pray.

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