Prayers, Saints

Saint Scholastica Prayer

Category: Saints
Length: 3 minutes
Saint Scholastica Prayer

St. Scholastica (c. 480-543) was the twin sister of St. Benedict of Nursia and the foundress of the women’s branch of Benedictine monasticism. Known for her profound spiritual wisdom and powerful prayer, she is remembered for a famous encounter with her brother where her prayers brought a storm that extended their spiritual discussion.

At her death, Benedict saw her soul ascending to heaven in the form of a dove, symbolizing her pure devotion to God. Her prayers continue to inspire those seeking deeper contemplative prayer and spiritual wisdom.

Historical Context

Saint: Scholastica

Feast Day: February 10

Patronage: Benedictine Nuns, Education, Convulsive Children

Era: 6th Century

Saint Scholastica Prayer 1

O God,
To show us where innocence leads,
you made the soul of your virgin Saint Scholastica
soar to heaven like a dove in flight.
Grant through her merits and her prayers
that we may so live in innocence
as to attain to joys everlasting.
This we ask through our Lord Jesus Christ, Your Son,
Who lives and reigns with You and the Holy Spirit,
One God, forever and ever.

Best Times for This Prayer:

When seeking purity of heart and spiritual growth
For guidance in living a life of holiness

Saint Scholastica Prayer 2

O God,
You caused the soul of Your blessed virgin Scholastica
to enter heaven in the form of a dove,
to show us the way of innocence.
Grant us, by her prayers and merits,
to live in such innocence,
that we may deserve to attain eternal joys.
Through Christ our Lord.

Best Times for This Prayer:

During moments of spiritual reflection
When seeking heavenly guidance

Saint Scholastica Prayer 3

Lord our God,
You robed the virgin St Scholastica
with the beauty and splendour of love.
Help us to walk blamelessly before you
so that in the company of virgins
we may praise your name for ever,
and find our delight in you,
through Christ our Lord.

Best Times for This Prayer:

When seeking divine love and beauty
For living a life of virtue

Saint Scholastica Prayer 4

Eternal God,
By whose grace Scholastica became
a burning and shining light for your people:
give us courage to prefer nothing to Christ.
By the power of the Holy Spirit
help us to share patiently in his sufferings,
that we may be able to rejoice forever in his kingdom.
We ask this through Christ our Lord.

Best Times for This Prayer:

When seeking strength in following Christ
For patience during difficult times

Scripture Connection

“But the fruit of the Spirit is love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness, self-control.” – Galatians 5:22-23

Prayer Media

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