A Prayer for VBS (Vacation Bible School) is a wonderful way to start the day or conclude the activities of the day during this special week-long program. VBS is a time for children to learn about the Bible, make new friends, and have fun. It is also an opportunity to teach them the importance of prayer and how it can help them in their everyday lives. A prayer for VBS can include thanking God for the opportunity to learn about His Word, asking for guidance and wisdom for the leaders, volunteers, and children, and asking for God’s blessings on the activities and events of the day. It can also include praying for safety and protection for everyone involved in the program. A Prayer for VBS can help set the tone for the day and encourage children to develop a closer relationship with God.
Please read the prayers below which will provide guidance for Prayer For VBS. May God Bless You!
Prayer For VBS 1
Bless us,
O God, as we seek to learn from your Word and to share your love. As you gather us in for summer Bible School, send us out beyond this place to show the world what we have come to know: that your grace and welcome and wonder are for all. We pray in the name of your Son.
Prayer For VBS 2
Help us as a Church and as individuals to stand against temptations, against skeptics, and against doubt, and to continue to bring the VBS to children and families this summer. Protect us from the world and help us to keep our eyes and hearts focused on You.
Prayer For VBS 3
Today as we think of how we were chosen for this Ministry, please be with all the others You have called to do each and every position of our VBS Ministry. No matter what the position, all are equally important and could not function without the others. Lead them to us, to give of themselves for Your Glory this summer.