
Prayer For Passion

Length: 2 minutes

prayer for passion

A “Prayer for Passion” is a heartfelt request for divine assistance in finding and nurturing one’s passion. This prayer may be spoken or written and can be offered by anyone who feels a lack of direction or purpose in their life. The prayer may include words of gratitude for the blessings in one’s life and a sincere request for guidance in discovering one’s true passion. It may also express a desire for courage and perseverance in pursuing one’s dreams and for the strength to overcome any obstacles or setbacks along the way. The prayer may acknowledge the role of fear or self-doubt in holding one back and ask for the grace and wisdom to move past these limitations. Ultimately, a “Prayer for Passion” is an expression of faith in the power of divine guidance and a reminder to trust in one’s own inner voice and intuition to find one’s path and purpose in life.

Please read the prayers below which will provide guidance for Prayer For Passion. May God Bless You!

Prayer For Passion 1

Lord Jesus Christ,
Grant that your Passion may be to me a power by which I may be strengthened, protected, and defended. May your wounds be to me food and drink, by which I may be nourished, inebriated, and overjoyed. May the sprinkling of your Blood be to me an ablution for all my sins. May your death prove to me life everlasting, and your cross be to me an eternal glory. In these be my refreshment, my joy, my preservation, and sweetness of heart. Who lives and reigns, world without end.

Prayer For Passion 2

I come asking for You to make me a woman of prayer. Would You help me learn to pray and create in me an appetite for prayer? I need You, and this ministry needs You. Train my heart and mind to seek You. This is a prayer God desires to answer.

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