Prayers, Seasonal

November 23 Prayer

Category: Seasonal
Length: 4 minutes

November 23rd arrives in the heart of autumn’s transition to winter—a time when nature’s vibrant display has largely faded and we prepare for the season of dormancy ahead. In the United States, this date often falls near Thanksgiving, making it a natural moment for gratitude and reflection on divine providence. These prayers embrace the themes of thankfulness for God’s guidance through life’s changing seasons, protection in times of uncertainty, and confidence in divine sovereignty over all circumstances. Like autumn’s stripped-down landscape that reveals the essential structure of trees once their leaves have fallen, these prayers acknowledge both life’s challenges and the enduring presence of divine care that remains when external comforts diminish. They invite us to find joy not in temporary abundance but in eternal promises that sustain us through every season.

Date Context

Date: November 23

Season: Late Autumn / Pre-Thanksgiving

Theme: Gratitude and Divine Sovereignty

November 23 Prayer – Shepherd’s Guidance

Lord our God,
We thank you for ruling us with your shepherd’s staff
so that again and again we can be refreshed and can delight in what you are doing for us.
We thank you that we can have eager, joyful faith even when sorrows come,
looking again and again to the good you give us.
We are thankful and want to be thankful always.
Be a mighty Lord over the peoples, we pray, and protect our country.
Show your sovereignty by guarding the flock close beside you
and by pouring out your grace to give life to the dying and resurrection to those who have died.
O Lord God, hear and bless us.
May your will be done on earth as in heaven,
so that your kingdom may break in and everything may come right,
according to your great purpose.

Best Times for This Prayer:

When seeking divine guidance through seasonal change
For thanksgiving and hope despite difficult circumstances

November 23 Prayer – Light in Darkness

Blessed are you,
Sovereign God, ruler and judge of all,
to you be praise and glory for ever.
In the darkness of this age that is passing away
may the light of your presence which the saints enjoy surround our steps as we journey on.
May we reflect your glory this day
and so be made ready to see your face in the heavenly city where night shall be no more.
Blessed be God, Father, Son and Holy Spirit.

Best Times for This Prayer:

During autumn’s increasing darkness
For divine light to guide our daily journey

Scripture for This Day

“The Lord is my shepherd, I lack nothing. He makes me lie down in green pastures, he leads me beside quiet waters, he refreshes my soul.” — Psalm 23:1-3

Devotional Reflection

November 23rd arrives when autumn’s transformation is nearly complete—trees stand largely bare, harvests have been gathered, and the landscape prepares for winter’s approach. This seasonal moment of transition provides a rich metaphorical context for prayers that acknowledge both life’s challenges and the sustaining presence of divine care that remains when external abundance diminishes.

The first prayer employs the biblical image of God as shepherd, giving thanks for divine guidance “with your shepherd’s staff” that provides refreshment and delight. This shepherd imagery is particularly apt during autumn’s transition toward winter, when both literal shepherds and their flocks must prepare for challenging conditions ahead. The prayer acknowledges that “sorrows come” yet affirms the possibility of “eager, joyful faith” amid difficulties by “looking again and again to the good you give us.” It envisions divine sovereignty extending beyond personal comfort to include protection for nations, resurrection for the dead, and the ultimate fulfillment when “everything may come right, according to your great purpose.” Like the agricultural cycle that depends on periods of dormancy before new growth can emerge, this prayer embraces both present challenges and future hope.

The second prayer addresses autumn’s increasing darkness directly, acknowledging “the darkness of this age that is passing away” while seeking “the light of your presence” to illuminate our journey. As November days grow shorter and nights lengthen, this prayer finds hope not in reversing natural cycles but in finding divine light that transforms how we experience them. It looks toward the ultimate promise of “the heavenly city where night shall be no more” while asking that we might “reflect your glory this day” in our present circumstances. Like the autumn landscape that reveals different kinds of beauty once summer’s lushness fades, this prayer seeks to manifest divine light precisely when external brightness diminishes.

Prayer Media

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