Prayers, Seasonal

December 13 Prayer

Category: Seasonal
Length: 4 minutes

December 13th marks the feast day of Saint Lucy, a day of light during the darkening days of winter. As we approach the winter solstice, this day traditionally celebrates light overcoming darkness and serves as a beacon of hope during the advent season. These prayers focus on surrender, awakening, and seeking divine guidance during the winter season when we often reflect more deeply on our spiritual journey. This day invites us to embrace both the literal darkness of the season and the light that guides us through it.

Date Context

Date: December 13

Season: Winter / Advent Season

Theme: Surrender and Divine Awakening

December 13 Prayer – Spiritual Awakening

Lord our God,
May our lives be awakened, for you send your Spirit to blow through heaven and earth and you stir everything to life.
May we long for your Spirit’s prompting.
Grant that we not be overpowered by evil and sin.
May we be born anew to be fighters for the highest good on earth, which leads into heaven.
Hear the prayers of all people far and near who are sighing for the Savior.
We pray for them all as we pray for ourselves, and you will hear our prayer.
You will send power to lift up their hearts and souls so that there may be a great throng of your joyful people on earth.
In spite of all the misfortune, adversity, and danger in the world, there will be a people exulting from one end of the earth to the other,
a people trusting in you and sure of victory through the great grace you give in answer to our prayers.

Best Times for This Prayer:

When seeking spiritual renewal in winter’s darkness
For connecting with others in community prayer

December 13 Prayer – Surrender and Trust

You are the LORD, as Isaiah so faithfully penned …we are not.
You form light and darkness, bring prosperity and disaster …You do all these things.
You are in control. We are not sovereign over our lives. You are.
We are not in control of the created universe. You are.
Father, when we are bent on our way and our timing,
please strip our hearts of the pride and selfishness which prevents us from surrendering to You.
We cannot make another human heart understand our point of view, God. And it’s frustrating!
Often, we feel misunderstood, wrongly accused, and slighted by the offense.
Help us to surrender our perspective of every situation, Father.

Best Times for This Prayer:

When struggling with control during difficult times
For finding peace in winter’s contemplative moments

Scripture for This Day

“The people walking in darkness have seen a great light; on those living in the land of deep darkness a light has dawned.” — Isaiah 9:2

Devotional Reflection

December 13th arrives during the darkest days of winter in the Northern Hemisphere, serving as a poignant reminder of our human need for light and guidance. The prayers for this day speak to our deepest winter impulses: to surrender control, to seek awakening, and to trust in divine providence even when our path seems obscured.

The first prayer acknowledges our need for spiritual awakening during winter’s dormancy. Just as nature appears to sleep beneath winter’s blanket, our spiritual lives can sometimes feel dormant or stagnant. This prayer recognizes God’s power to stir everything to life, even in the coldest seasons, reminding us that renewal is always possible.

The second prayer addresses our struggle with control—something we often cling to more tightly during uncertain times. Winter, with its unpredictable weather and shortened days, naturally brings us face to face with our limitations. This prayer invites us to release our grip on outcomes and surrender to God’s sovereignty, finding peace in divine wisdom rather than human understanding.

Prayer Media

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