
Bus Driver Prayer

Length: 4 minutes

Bus Driver Prayer

Bus Driver Prayer is a form of prayer that is specifically designed for bus drivers. It is a spiritual practice that is centered on the belief that prayer can help bus drivers stay safe on the road and provide a smooth and comfortable ride for their passengers. Bus drivers face many challenges while driving, such as traffic congestion, road construction, and inclement weather conditions, making it essential for them to have a calm and focused mind. The Bus Driver Prayer is typically recited before starting the journey and includes asking for God’s protection and guidance on the road. Many bus companies have incorporated the Bus Driver Prayer into their daily routine as a way to promote safety and ensure a positive driving experience for both drivers and passengers.

Please read the prayers below which will provide guidance for Bus Driver Prayer. May God Bless You!

Bus Driver Prayer 1

Please Lord,
Watch over me this day Please help me to remember to watch all five mirrors, Two dozen windows, eight gauges, six warning lights, Six dozen faces, three lanes of traffic, And keep a third eye open for wobbling bicycles, And daydreaming pedestrians, especially teen-agers Wearing headsets who are off in another world ! Please, Lord, help me to hear all train whistles, Truck and automobile horns, police sirens, And the two way radio. Please Lord, give me a hand for the gear lever, The steering wheel, the route book, the radio Microphone, and the turn signal lever. And, Lord, please grant me the self control To keep my hands away from Johnny’s neck ! And one more thing, Dear Lord, Please don’t let Mary be sick all aver the bus ! And finally, Lord, please watch over us all So that we can do it all over again tomorrow.

Bus Driver Prayer 2

We thank you for the patience and dedication of bus drivers, who are entrusted with the safety and care of children. Watch over all school bus drivers, we pray, and guide them, in your mercy, that they, and their passengers, may reach their intended destinations, safely and securely. We pray in Jesus name.

Bus Driver Prayer 3

Dear Lord,
We thank you for the daily safe journey of our school bus driver. And we ask in prayer today, that you always make patience and mental alertness abound for him so he can carry out his duties safely.

Bus Driver Prayer 4

Almighty Father,
Your word says, you shall give your angels charge over us to keep us in all our ways. Here we are, we the non-teaching staff of this great institution. We commit this meeting that we are heading to into your unfailing hands that you keep us safe. The driver is said to be an impatient one once he is behind the wheels, always rushing to God knows where. Put in his heart your reasonable patience that we don’t find ourselves being lurched forward because of the way he applies the brake suddenly at times while driving.

Bus Driver Prayer 5

O Lord,
I heard he had an on-the-job training on getting the job. Avail him the opportunity to always put the training he had in use at all times and the bus will not crash nor would he lose control of the brakes. Help him to apply the brakes and throttle which are major safety parts of a bus when he ought to. The engine which is the soul of the vehicle will not get knocked and the radiator will cool the system perfectly.

Bus Driver Prayer 6

I place the driver of my children’s school bus in your hands. He does not look cheerful today. I ask that whatever it is that is making his countenance unpleasant and sad should be lifted. Pour a soothing oil on his heart and take away the situation without him knowing it. See him through today’s journey. Every route he takes down to school is safe and covered in your blood.

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