The Balm of Gilead prayer is a spiritual practice rooted in the Old Testament book of Jeremiah. In the biblical story, the Balm of Gilead was a rare and valuable healing ointment made from the resin of a tree that grew in the region of Gilead, which is now part of modern-day Jordan. Today, the Balm of Gilead prayer is often used in Christian communities as a symbol of healing and restoration. The prayer may involve reciting verses from the book of Jeremiah or asking for the guidance and protection of God in times of need. Some people also use the Balm of Gilead as a metaphor for the healing power of Jesus Christ, and pray for his intercession in times of physical or emotional pain. Ultimately, the Balm of Gilead prayer is a reminder of the power of faith and hope in times of difficulty, and an expression of trust in the healing power of God.
Please read the prayers below which will provide guidance for Balm Of Gilead Prayer. May God Bless You!
Balm Of Gilead Prayer 1
If ye love me, keep my commandments. “And I will pray the Father, and he shall give you another Comforter, that he may abide with you forever; “Even the Spirit of truth; whom the world cannot receive, because it seeth him not, neither knoweth him: but ye know him; for he dwelleth with you, and shall be in you. “I will not leave you comfortless: I will come to you.
Balm Of Gilead Prayer 2
In the name of Jesus, the Holy Child of God, let the ARM of the Lord be revealed in my situation to disgrace infirmities and sicknesses in my life.
Balm Of Gilead Prayer 3
God heals from the inside out. This page focuses on both physical and inner healing. Use these prayers as either a guide to develop your own Word prayers or mix your faith into these prayers to receive the healing power that Jesus’ stripes bought for you! These prayers and the short teaching are taken from my new book “The God Book.” Please see the Resources page to get your copy of the book to keep with your Bible! Powerful prayers right at your fingertips.
Balm Of Gilead Prayer 4
Lord God,
I come before You with a heavy, yet willing and obedient heart. I am in pain, Lord God, and I need Your guidance, courage, and strength. I surrender my whole heart to You and only You…I seek You and only You…I choose You and only You as my Lord and Master. Abba Father, Cast the Light of Your Truth into the darkened shadows of my heart…identify, expose and excise the seeds and weeds of deception…the sources of pain the enemy has placed within my heart and utilized to cheat and derail me from the authentic path ordained by You for my life.