Prayer For December

Prayer For December

A Prayer for December can help us to connect with the spirit of the holiday season and embrace the joys and challenges that come with the end of the year. December is a time of celebration and reflection, as we gather with loved ones, exchange gifts, and take stock of the past twelve months. A prayer for December can help us to cultivate gratitude for the blessings of the year and to seek guidance and support for the challenges that lie ahead. It can also help us to connect with the deeper meaning of the season, whether through religious observances or personal rituals that honor the turning of the year. By praying for December, we invite the universe to bless us with peace, love, and abundance, and to guide us towards greater wisdom and understanding. May we pray for December as a way to honor the passing of time and to celebrate the miracle of life itself.

Please read the prayers below which will provide guidance for Prayer For December. May God Bless You!

Prayer For December 1

I bring before you, the readers seeking success at work and in business. I decree that this new month of December shall be a month of tremendous ideas, progress, and success. They will be guided by the Holy Spirit to new heights and great blessings. Their struggles in business will be no more. They will be a light at the workplace. Their worth and diligence are being noticed and rewarded.

Prayer For December 2

Almighty Father,
Bless the workplace. Even if our supervisors, managers, employees, or even our customers, are creating chaos and mayhem in our place of employment or business, let us continue performing, as if we are working directly unto You, with cheerful hearts. Let every challenging duty come to us as if it is coming directly from You. Father, give us the blessings of Your Divine help and guidance and suffer us not to fail. LORD, let us remember You when we receive the fruit of our success. Through Christ, our mouths are filled with laughter, our tongues with songs of joy. Then it will be said, “The LORD has done great things for them.” In Jesus’ name, I pray.

Prayer For December 3

Abba Father,
I want to be known for love. Help me O’ Lord to be a light in the darkness. I trust that I am being perfected by you Lord and I love it. Thank you for making my love patient and kind. Thank you for removing envy, boast, and pride. I seek to honor others, be selfless, patient, and keep no record of wrong. I thank you for transforming me and the Body of Christ. I plea the blood of Jesus over every stronghold or obstacle that would stop love. Through your love and divine plan you’re helping us to be unified, humble, and loving. I rejoice for the time when the Body of Christ is known for how we love each other. I praise you God for you are calling us all higher. And I’m excited for how you will use love to win hearts, change bad circumstances, and change the world. I love you Abba father.

Prayer For December 4

O’ Lord,
I am in need of your guidance and direction. You said your word would be a lamp to my feet. You promised that you would show me which way to walk. And you promised that the spirit of truth would come and guide me into holiness and your divine path. So I declare your word to be true Abba. I declare that you are the promise keeper that never goes back on your word. I ask to hear your voice so clearly on the next steps and decisions that I need to make. I trust that you will speak father and when you do I wont hesitate to walk in the direction you choose. Steady my heart father, so I can remain confident in your goodness despite any disappointments or obstacles that I may encounter on this journey. I know you are good and you withhold no good thing from me. I will mediate on your words day and night Lord. I will wait on you because I know you don’t put the righteous to shame. I will trust that you will protect me from bad relationships, wolves in sheep clothings, unGodly council, and false prophets that seek to corrupt your word and cause me to stumble. O’ how I love you father. I love how you love me. And I ask for a heart that can choose you all the days of my life.

Prayer For December 5

Lord our God,
We thank you for letting hosannas rise from people’s hearts and for letting us cry out to you all the more fervently in dark times. Help us, O Almighty God, and help your king, Jesus Christ, to his final victory. For he shall be victor, bringing grace, peace, life, and victory for all that is good, on earth as in heaven. He shall be victor at all times in our lives, enabling us to keep faith in trouble, fear, and need, yes, even in death. Hosanna to the victor, Jesus Christ, the victor you have chosen! O Almighty God, proclaim him on earth. Let all the people know he is on his way, to the glory of your name.

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