St. Martin de Porres (1579-1639) was a Peruvian Dominican brother known for his extraordinary humility and charity. Born to a Spanish nobleman and a freed slave of African descent, he faced racial discrimination yet became renowned for his miraculous healing powers and care for the poor, sick, and animals.
Despite his humble position as a lay brother, his holiness and miracles drew people of all social classes to seek his help. His life exemplifies Christ’s love for all people regardless of race or status, making him a powerful intercessor for social justice, healing, and racial harmony.
Historical Context
Saint: Martin de Porres
Feast Day: November 3
Patronage: Mixed-race people, Social Justice, Barbers, Public Health Workers
Era: 16th-17th Century
Saint Martin de Porres Prayer 1
To you Saint Martin de Porres,
We prayerfully lift up our hearts
filled with serene confidence and devotion.
Mindful of your unbounded and helpful charity
to all levels of society
and also of your meekness and humility of heart,
we offer our petitions to you.
Pour out upon our families
the precious gifts of your solicitous
and generous intercession;
show to the people of every race and every color
the paths of unity and of justice;
implore from our Father in heaven
the coming of his kingdom,
so that through mutual benevolence in God
men may increase the fruits of grace
and merit the rewards of eternal life.
Best Times for This Prayer:
Saint Martin de Porres Prayer 2
Most humble St. Martin,
Whose burning charity embraces all,
but especially those who are sick, afflicted, or in need,
we turn to thee for help in our present difficulties
and we implore thee to obtain for us from God
health of soul and body,
and in particular the favour we now ask …
(pause to ask favours).
May we, by imitating thy charity and humility,
find quiet and contentment all our days,
and cheerful submission to God’s holy will
in all the trials and difficulties of life.
Best Times for This Prayer:
Saint Martin de Porres Prayer 3
Most humble Martin de Porres,
Your burning charity embraced not only
the poor and needy but even the animals of the field.
For your splendid example of charity,
we honour you and invoke your help.
From your place in heaven,
hear the requests of your needy brethren,
so that, by imitating your virtues
we may live contentedly in that state
in which God has placed us.
And carrying our cross with strength and courage,
may we follow in the footsteps
of our blessed Redeemer
and his most sorrowful mother,
so that at last we may reach the kingdom of heaven
through the merits of our Lord Jesus Christ.
Best Times for This Prayer:
Saint Martin de Porres Prayer 4
Humble servant of the Lord,
who embraced faith with ardor,
and with charity and immense love
you filled the hearts of the needy,
of the most unfavored ones,
and were the consolation of souls and bodies,
taking great care of the sick
and working thousands of wonders
and great miracles so as to favor those
who resorted to you asking for help;
I plead that you be my intercessor
and you help me with a miracle in my economy.
My great protector Saint Martin de Porres,
you who occupy a principal place in Glory,
who followed without doubt the steps of the Lord,
and you felt so much devotion and love
for the Virgin Mary:
speak to Them, ask Them for their valuable mediation,
tell Them what I suffer for my difficulties and burdens,
and implore Them to send me a solution
for my pains and necessities.
O charitable saint, saint of miracles,
I need to feel your powerful intercession:
I implore you with my heart in my hand,
and with all my hope and confidence,
that you make it possible that this grave economic crisis,
through which my family is going through,
depart from us at once.
Give me please, prodigious Martin,
what now is so lacking and which I so much need:
(ask with much faith what you need to obtain)
Grant me this miracle which I humbly ask you for,
dissipate from my home all lack and scarcity,
make it so my prayers and supplications
come before the Virgin and the Lord,
since from Them, who are always filled
with compassion and mercy,
I know I can hope for all.
With the same faith and hope
I ask that you bring me the spirit of charity and dedication
so that I lovingly serve God,
and that I know how to do good for my brethen,
just as many times you have done.
Through Jesus Christ, Our Lord.
Best Times for This Prayer:
Saint Martin de Porres Prayer 5
O GLORIOUS Saint Martin de Porres,
Great Saint of the Dominican Order,
look down in mercy upon a poor soul
who cries out to thee,
and deign to come to my aid in this great need,
that I may receive the consolation
and succor of Heaven in all my necessities,
tribulations and sufferings,
but in particular… [Here mention your intention].
I thank thee, Saint Martin de Porres,
for all the help that thou hast given me,
both now and in the past,
and I promise to be ever grateful to thee
and to make thee known to all
who are in need of thine assistance.
Best Times for This Prayer:
Saint Martin de Porres Prayer 6
Most glorious Martin De Porres,
Whose burning charity embraced not only
your needy brethren,
but also the very animals of the field,
splendid example of charity,
we hail you and invoke you!
From that high throne which you do occupy,
listen to the supplications of your needy brethren
that, by imitating your virtues,
we may live contented in that state
in which God has placed us
and carrying with strength and courage our cross,
we may follow in the footsteps
of Our Blessed Redeemer
and His most afflicted Mother,
that at last we may reach the Kingdom of Heaven
through the merits of Our Lord Jesus Christ.
Best Times for This Prayer:
Saint Martin de Porres Prayer 7
St. Martin de Porres,
Ever in the presence of God,
Faithful servant of Christ,
Lover of the Holy Eucharist,
Devoted to our Blessed Mother,
Spiritual patron of Americas,
Honored son of St. Dominic,
Lover of the Most Holy Rosary,
Apostle of mercy,
Protector of the tempted and repentant,
Helper of souls in doubt and darkness,
Compassionate to the sorrowful and afflicted,
Consoler of the discouraged and unfortunate,
Peacemaker in all discords,
Touched by all suffering,
Comforter of the sick and dying,
Worker of miraculous cures,
Guardian of the homeless child,
Humbly hiding God-given powers,
Devoted to holy poverty,
Model of obedience,
Lover of heroic penance,
Strong in self-denial,
Performing menial tasks with holy ardor,
Gifted with prophecy,
Lamb of God, you take away the sins of the world,
Spare us, O Lord.
Lamb of God, you take away the sins of the world,
Graciously hear us, O Lord.
Lamb of God, you take away the sins of the world,
Have mercy on us.
Pray for us, St. Martin,
That we may be made worthy of the promises of Christ.
Let us pray, O God, who did make St. Martin,
your confessor, to enter the heavenly Kingdom,
grant through his merits and intercession
that we may so follow the example of his humility on earth
as to deserve to be exalted with him in Heaven.
Through Christ our Lord.
Best Times for This Prayer:
Saint Martin de Porres Prayer 8
To you Saint Martin de Porres,
We prayerfully lift up our hearts
filled with serene confidence and devotion.
Mindful of your unbounded
and helpful charity to all levels of society
and also of your meekness and humility of heart,
we offer our petitions to you.
Pour out upon our families
the precious gifts of your solicitous
and generous intercession;
show to the people of every race
and every colour the paths of unity and of justice;
implore from our Father in heaven
the coming of His kingdom,
so that through mutual benevolence in God
men may increase the fruits of grace
and merit the rewards of eternal life.