Prayers, Saints

Saint George Prayer

Category: Saints
Length: 3 minutes

Saint George is one of Christianity’s most venerated saints, known for his courage, chivalry, and martyrdom. As a Roman soldier who became a Christian martyr in the 4th century, he exemplifies unwavering faith in the face of persecution. The legendary tale of Saint George slaying a dragon has become a powerful symbol of good triumphing over evil. These prayers invoke his intercession for strength, protection, and courage in both physical and spiritual battles.

Historical Context

Saint: George of Lydda

Feast Day: April 23

Patronage: Soldiers, England, Chivalry, Farmers

Era: 3rd-4th Century

Prayer to Saint George 1

Who didst grant to Saint George strength and constancy
in the various torments which he sustained for our holy faith;
we beseech Thee to preserve, through his intercession,
our faith from wavering and doubt,
so that we may serve Thee with a sincere heart
faithfully unto death.
Through Christ our Lord.

Best Times for This Prayer:

For strength in maintaining faith
When facing spiritual challenges

Prayer to Saint George 2

Almighty God,
Who gave to your servant George boldness
to Confess the Name of our Savior Jesus Christ
before the rulers of this world,
and courage to die for this faith:
Grant that we may always be ready to give a reason
for the hope that is in us,
and to suffer gladly for the sake of our Lord Jesus Christ;
who lives and reigns with you and the Holy Spirit,
one God, for ever and ever.

Best Times for This Prayer:

For courage to witness faith
When seeking boldness in conviction

Prayer to Saint George 3

St. George,
Heroic Catholic soldier and defender of your Faith,
you dared to criticize a tyrannical Emperor
and were subjected to horrible torture.
You could have occupied a high military position
but you preferred to die for your Lord.
Obtain for us the great grace of heroic Christian courage
that should mark soldiers of Christ.

Best Times for This Prayer:

For moral courage and integrity
When facing persecution for faith

Prayer to Saint George 4

Mighty God,
Saint George was nicknamed the “Victory Bringer”
because he relied on Your power to defeat evil wherever he went.
Starting out as a soldier in his country’s army,
he converted and became a soldier for Christ.
Laying down the world’s armor by giving his wealth to the poor,
he forever after carried the shield of faith
and won many victories for those who sought Your help.
I ask him to pray for the battles I’ve been enduring,
and to bring Your triumph into my life.
Help me to overcome the Enemy, Lord Jesus,
and teach me how to protect myself with ever-increasing faith.
Saint George, pray for me.

Best Times for This Prayer:

For victory in personal battles
When seeking divine protection

Scripture Connection

“Put on the full armor of God, so that you can take your stand against the devil’s schemes.” – Ephesians 6:11, reflecting Saint George’s spiritual warfare

Prayer Media

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