Vision is a precious gift that allows us to see and experience the world around us. However, vision problems can impact our ability to fully engage with life, causing frustration and challenges in daily living. Whether it is nearsightedness, farsightedness, or more serious eye conditions, prayer can be a powerful way to seek comfort and support. Prayer for vision can provide a way to connect with a higher power, to ask for healing and support in times of difficulty, and to cultivate an attitude of gratitude and positivity, even in the face of challenges. Additionally, prayer can serve as a way to foster inner strength and resilience, helping individuals to stay focused and centered in the face of vision problems. Whether it is a formal religious prayer or a personal expression of hope and intention, prayer for vision can be a valuable tool for coping with vision difficulties and finding a sense of peace and comfort in the midst of them.
Please read the prayers below which will provide guidance for Prayer For Vision. May God Bless You!
Prayer For Vision 1
The Great Physician, you are my healer and the giver of life. You are the same God today, yesterday and forever. I believe that you can restore my eyesight the same way you healed blind people in the Bible. Lord, I know that it is not your wish for me to go blind; this is the plan of the enemy. Please restore my eyesight that I may be able to see clearly. May my vision get better each waking moment. In Jesus’ name, I believe and pray.
Prayer For Vision 2
Jehovah Rapha,
My Healer, thank you for giving up your only son to die on the cross for me. By his stripes, my eyes are healed. I pray that my eyes will work according to their original blueprint. Lord, let your healing light fill my eyes that I may be able to see clearly and carry out my business without any inconveniences. I worship you, dear Lord, and I honor you highly. God, you reign in heaven and on earth. In Jesus’ name, I believe and pray.
Prayer For Vision 3
Compassionate and Gracious God,
All power and might are in your hands. Whatever your hand touches changes for the better. Father, my vision is failing each day. Things are becoming dim, and light is that turning into darkness. The optician has said that I might end up becoming blind if this condition keeps getting worse. I am so scared; I do not want to become blind. Come to my rescue, dear Lord, touch my eyes with your powerful hands and help me to see clearly again. May the challenges I am going through work out for my good and the glory of your holy name. In Jesus’ name, I believe and pray.
Prayer For Vision 4
God of Mercy and Love,
You are the God who brings healing to us and comfort us. Heal me, and I shall be healed. Save me for I’m drowning in fear every time I wake up and realize that my vision is getting worse. May my eyes shine brightly that I may see your goodness in the land of the living. Fill my heart with hope that I may keep standing firm in faith when everything seems to be not going well. In Jesus’ name, I believe and pray.
Prayer For Vision 5
Jesus, my Savior,
I went for my annual eye checkup today, and the optician told me that my eyes are not in good shape. I might have to undergo an operation, but that is not a guarantee that the problem will be rectified. Lord, please help me. Give me perfect eyesight. Remove any scales that are covering my eyes. When I go back to the hospital, let the optician cancel the operation, in Jesus’ name. I thank you and honor you, for you love me and will protect me. In Jesus’ name, I pray.
Prayer For Vision 6
Oh, Jesus,
My Great Healer, my vision has been blurry lately. The fear of losing my sight is giving me sleepless nights. But dear Jesus, the word says that there is no fear in love, but perfect love casts out fear. I surrender my health to you. I cancel and nullify any generational curses in my family line that cause people to have eye problems in the name of Jesus. Lord, give me faith to believe that my eyes will be well again. Please open my eyes to your word so that I can see scriptures that will build my confidence and help me to stand firm in your healing promises. In Jesus’ name, I pray.
Prayer For Vision 7
If you are willing, take away this cup of suffering. But do what you want, not what I want.” 43 Then an angel from heaven appeared to him to strengthen him.44 Being full of pain, Jesus prayed even harder. His sweat was like drops of blood falling to the ground.
Prayer For Vision 8
We too Lord,
want to see.
We want to see how we can better serve You
as members of your Church.
We want to see more clearly how we can honor You
by honoring our sisters and brothers.
Guide us Lord in this Visioning Process upon which we have embarked.
Help us to see more clearly the paths You call us to follow.
Give us, we pray, the spiritual gifts to faithfully answer Your call
to make disciples, share the Good News and love as You loved.
Help the Church in northeast Kansas, under the guidance of our
be the Church You call us to be.
Help us to set forth a clear pastoral vision that gladdens Your heart
and fulfills Your will for Your people.
With the prayers of the Blessed Virgin Mary to aid us along the way,
may we see more clearly and
may our efforts bear abundant fruit for Your glory
and for the good of Your Church.
We ask all this through our Lord, Jesus Christ, Your Son,
who lives and reigns with You and the Holy Spirit,
one God, for ever and ever.