
Our Lady Of Knock Prayer

Our Lady Of Knock Prayer

The apparition of Our Lady of Knock is one of the most well-known Marian apparitions in Ireland, which took place on August 21, 1879, in the village of Knock, County Mayo. It is said that Our Lady, St. Joseph, and St. John the Evangelist appeared to 15 witnesses on the gable wall of the local church. Since then, Knock has become an important pilgrimage site for Catholics all over the world, and the prayer to Our Lady of Knock has become a popular devotional prayer. This prayer is a petition to Mary for her intercession and protection, and it is often recited by those seeking comfort, hope, and healing. The Our Lady of Knock prayer emphasizes Mary’s role as a compassionate and loving mother who cares for all of her children, and it is a testament to the enduring power of faith and devotion.

Please read the prayers below which will provide guidance for Our Lady Of Knock Prayer. May God Bless You!

Our Lady Of Knock Prayer 1

Our Lady of Knock,
Queen of Ireland, you gave
hope to your people in a time of distress and
comforted them in sorrow. You have inspired
countless pilgrims to pray with confidence to your
divine Son, remembering His promise,
“Ask and you shall receive, seek and you shall
find”. Help me to remember that we are all
pilgrims on the road to Heaven. Fill me with love
and concern for my brothers and sisters in Christ,
especially those who live with me.
Comfort me when I am sick, lonely or depressed.
Teach me how to take part ever more reverently in
the Holy Mass. Give me a greater love of Jesus in
the Blessed Sacrament. Pray for me now and at
the end of my death.

Our Lady Of Knock Prayer 2

Lord Jesus,
We thank you for the gift of faith and for giving us your mother as our Blessed Mother. Help us to become closer to you through Mary, and emulate her faith and self-surrender to God each day. Through the intercession of Our Lady of Knock, please hear and answer our prayers.
Please pray for (mention your intentions here).
Our Lady of Knock, pray for us!
In the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Spirit.

Our Lady Of Knock Prayer 3

Lord Jesus,
We thank you for the gift of faith and for giving us your mother as our Blessed Mother. Help us to become closer to you through Mary, and emulate her faith and self-surrender to God each day. Through the intercession of Our Lady of Knock, please hear and answer our prayers.
Please pray for (mention your intentions here).
Our Lady of Knock, pray for us!
In the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Spirit.

About Stephen s. griffin

Stephen S. Griffin is the founder of and is dedicated to helping individuals find peace, purpose, and direction through prayer and spiritual practices. Connect with us on social media to receive daily inspiration, prayer support, and faith-filled encouragement.

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