
New Driver Prayer

New Driver Prayer

The New Driver Prayer is a spiritual invocation commonly recited by new drivers as they embark on their journey of learning and mastering the art of driving. This prayer seeks divine guidance and protection for the driver, their passengers, and others on the road. It acknowledges the responsibility that comes with being a driver and the potential risks and dangers that come with operating a vehicle. The prayer asks for the driver to be alert, aware, and focused on the road and to be able to handle any unforeseen circumstances that may arise. The New Driver Prayer also asks for the driver to develop a sense of responsibility and to drive with care, patience, and consideration for others. This prayer is a symbol of the faith and dedication of new drivers and a recognition of the important role they play in keeping themselves and others safe on the road.

Please read the prayers below which will provide guidance for New Driver Prayer. May God Bless You!

New Driver Prayer 1

Heavenly Father,
I thank you for the blessing of a healthy, smart teenager who has a heart for serving you. I thank you for giving him the desire to grow strong in his faith and closer to you. Lord, I know it is part of your plan that he should one day leave our home and live out your purpose for him. And I understand that learning to drive is just one more step on this journey – and that my role is to train him up in the way that he shall go.
Lord, please send your Holy Spirit to guide him on this journey. Help him to make wise decisions and to keep alert to potential dangers. Prevent him from being distracted behind the wheel. If the time should come, Lord, when danger is near… I ask that you take over and send your angels to safely deliver my son from danger.
And while you’re at it Lord, please watch over all the other drivers on the road. Remove the distractions that cause accidents and dissolve the anger and irritability that turns to road rage.
Lord, in your mercy, please fill me with peace and comfort knowing that your protection surrounds my child. Help me to trust you in the way that Mary trusted you with her only son – even as he hung on the cross to die for my sins. Teach me to turn my son over to you – completely and joyfully – so that he may do your will here on earth.

New Driver Prayer 2

O Lord Jesus,
my oldest child just got cleared to drive on his own–he’s a new driver! I pray you guide him with good sense and judgement and attentiveness as he drives. He has to make sound decisions as he drives his car–I can’t do it for him. I lift him to you each day as he leaves the driveway, in Jesus’ name.

New Driver Prayer 3

My teenager is driving now on her own, without me in the car and I’m a mess! I know scripture tells me not to worry, but I’m struggling in that regard at the moment. I ask for your peace, that is beyond my understanding, to surround me in these moments, Lord.
She seemed okay when she left but I think she’s also nervous but doesn’t want to show it. I just want her to be safe and confident as she drives. This is important for her because she wants to get a job and she needs to be able to drive herself back and forth.
I want to trust you fully, God, yet anxious thoughts keep entering my mind. I pray for you to calm my mind and by your Spirit, help me to focus on all the ways you’ve cared for her and us. Remind me of how you’ve protected her throughout her life.
I’m praying to you, God, because I don’t know what else to do and I thank you for hearing me and understanding what I’m experiencing. I’m grateful for your love and so I pray this in the your name O Lord.

New Driver Prayer 4

Father God,
My child, now a teenager, is driving on her own. (Name) is about to take her first long trip all by herself and I’m a little worried.
She’s been driving with a full license for 7 months now, but this the first time she’ll have to drive on multiple interstates and go through the major metro area. We won’t be in the car to give directions or watch for errant vehicles.
She’s on her own for this one, God. It’s a three-hour drive so I ask you keep her alert and watchful. I pray against any wayward cars crossing her path. I ask for her safe arrival tonight and return home tomorrow.
I know this is the first of many trips like this for her so let this one be a confidence-builder for her. And, if I’m being honest with you God, let it be a trust-building trip for me with you. I ask for these things with trust in the One who sustains us, Lord Jesus.

New Driver Prayer 5

Oh lord my Father,
I ask that you surround my passenger and me with your protection today. You’ll take away evil from our way, my vehicle will not malfunction. Dear lord, I pray that keep us from any form of accident. This I ask in your glorious name.

New Driver Prayer 6

In your mercy, please fill me with peace and comfort knowing that your protection surrounds my child. Help me to trust you in the way that Mary trusted you with her only son � even as he hung on the cross to die for my sins. Teach me to turn my son over to you � completely and joyfully � so that he may do your will here on earth.

New Driver Prayer 7

I am so excited about the opportunity to drive that I almost can’t sit still. Thank you for my family and their love. Thank you for their support and affirmation; for their trust and willingness to entrust me with use of this/their car. Make me alert and attentive whenever I am driving. Remind me when I am tempted to take risks that there are consequences to my actions. Protect me and guide me along every mile I drive. I want to drive as a steward of the life you have given me.

New Driver Prayer 8

Dear God,
Please may you grant me the courage to start driving very well. I have driven a number of times accompanied by my brother but I just want you to grant me the courage, serenity and take away any form of fear or nervousness that surrounds me when I drive.
From Monday the 2nd of September, I will be driving to work unaccompanied for the first time. Please dear Lord, be my guide, strength and companion. Please dear Lord, it is my wish that I am able to drive unaccompanied, so I can become independent and I can also help the family members or any other person who may be in need of driving.

About Stephen s. griffin

Stephen S. Griffin is the founder of and is dedicated to helping individuals find peace, purpose, and direction through prayer and spiritual practices. Connect with us on social media to receive daily inspiration, prayer support, and faith-filled encouragement.

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