
Happy 4th of July Prayer

A Happy 4th of July Prayer is a prayer that is commonly recited on Independence Day in the United States. It is a time when people come together to celebrate the birth of their nation and to honor the sacrifices made by those who fought for freedom and independence. The prayer typically expresses gratitude for the blessings of liberty and asks for God’s continued guidance and protection for the nation and its people. It also acknowledges the challenges and struggles faced by the country and asks for strength and wisdom to overcome them. The Happy 4th of July Prayer serves as a way for Americans to give thanks for their freedoms and to seek spiritual guidance and inspiration as they continue to work towards a more perfect union.

Please read the prayers below which will provide guidance for Happy 4th of July Prayer. May God Bless You!

Happy 4th of July Prayer 1

Eternal God,
Stir Thou our minds and stimulate our hearts with a high sense of patriotism as we approach the Fourth of July. May all that this day symbolizes renew our faith in freedom, our devotion to democracy, and redouble our efforts to keep a government of the people, by the people, and for the people truly alive in our world. Grant that we may highly resolve on this great day to dedicate ourselves anew to the task of ushering in an era when good will shall live in the hearts of a free people, justice shall be the light to guide their feet, and peace shall be the goal of humankind to the glory of Thy holy name and the good of our Nation and of all mankind.

Happy 4th of July Prayer 2

Dearest God,
We lift up this prayer to You in gratitude for this grand occasion. Thank You for blessing our nation with the joy of freedom, as we are only able to live so freely because of You. True freedom is only found through You, and we wouldn’t be here today without Your holy guidance. Please watch over us, our loved ones, our neighbors, and every other American – that we may all have a safe and blessed Fourth of July that places You at the center of everything. May we never forget that it is You whom we celebrate every day of our mortal lives until we are ultimately reunited in Your kingdom.

Happy 4th of July Prayer 3

Almighty Father in Heaven,
We praise You and Your holy name each day of our humble lives. We would not be here without You, Lord, and for that we are eternally grateful. You made all this a reality; the bright smiles and joyful laughter around us were made possible through Your hand. Thank You for allowing us to live our truths and come out victorious in our fight for freedom as one united nation. We pray for America, that this nation may never forget that it was You who granted us true independence. Your will granted us such grand blessings, and so today, on our day of independence, we honor You. As we honor America today, we lift up this prayer for our nation in Your honor as well. In Your holy name, we pray.

Happy 4th of July Prayer 4

Blessed Father,
Thank You for giving us another Fourth of July to celebrate everything that makes us a free nation. Thank You for this opportunity to enjoy our Fourth of July blessings and live as free citizens of the world, ones who are not shackled down by the false truths of our enemies. We thank You for blessing America with a strong militia and men and women who are willing to lay down their lives for our nation. We offer this prayer to You, seeking Your guidance and protection for our brothers and sisters who are still serving the nation in the military. They continue to fight for our wellbeing and safety, and so we humbly ask that You continue to watch over them.

Happy 4th of July Prayer 5

Heavenly Father,
We thank You for continuously watching over us as we go about our days as Your humble followers. There is no greater accomplishment than being a child of Christ. Eagerly we wait for the day we are reunited in Your blessed kingdom. Thank You, Lord, for putting us on this Earth. Thank You for giving us the mission to spread Your holy word. Whether we were born on the soil of this land or were brought here through Your divine intervention, the pride that runs through our veins remains true. We thank You for the love we hold in our hearts for this country, as it allows us to love one another even stronger in peace and harmony. Until we are brought back together in Your arms, we will continue to live out Your name as citizens of this nation, and citizens of Your kingdom.

Happy 4th of July Prayer 6

Dear God in Heaven,
We humbly offer this prayer for peace and unity in the country. Today is a day we celebrate with pride and honor. However, we must not forget that it is also a day that is celebrated peacefully and harmoniously with others. We pray that our Fourth of July celebrations remain peaceful and joyful. Engaging in conflict would only dishonor our ancestors – and, more importantly, You. As our celebrations remain peaceful, we pray for other nations all over the world as well. May they, too, may find the peace that they so passionately fight for. We are all deserving of peace, so this prayer is lifted up to You, as everything rests in Your blessed hands.

Happy 4th of July Prayer 7

Dearest Lord,
We pray to You today, humbly seeking wisdom for ourselves and for our leaders. Thank You for blessing us with capable leaders who keep our best interests in mind. Our leaders are good and capable, for they lead with You at the center of their hearts. Please continue to watch over our country’s leaders. Lend them Your wisdom, so that they may continue to make responsible and wise decisions for the betterment of our country and its people. We pray that You bless them with Your grace, that they may remain faithful and fight the temptations of evil. It is You who is our true leader in life, Lord. We pray that those in seats of power never forget that they are still Your people. Remind them of their identity in You always.

Happy 4th of July Prayer 8

Oh loving Father,
We offer this prayer for the healing of our brothers and sisters today. This Fourth of July is a time of celebration. But, we cannot celebrate so openly when there is pain in our hearts for those who are hurting. Lord, we pray that You heal those who suffer today and ease their pain. May they lift their worries to You, for only You are able to grant us salvation from suffering. The wounds of those around us run deep. So, we pray that those in pain are able to fight against their hardships in order to find You, Lord. Only You can truly take our pain away. We pray for those on the verge of conflict, that they may not give in to the temptation of anger and instead find serenity in You. With this, we pray that all those who have been harmed will find their hearts enlightened with Your most loving grace.

About Stephen s. griffin

Stephen S. Griffin is the founder of and is dedicated to helping individuals find peace, purpose, and direction through prayer and spiritual practices. Connect with us on social media to receive daily inspiration, prayer support, and faith-filled encouragement.

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