Daily Devotional – Titus 2:7-8 – September 7, 2023

“In everything set them an example by doing what is good. In your teaching show integrity, seriousness and soundness of speech that cannot be condemned, so that those who oppose you may be ashamed because they have nothing bad to say about us.” Titus 2:7-8

Throughout the book of Titus, Paul gives many instructions for early Christians and the early Church. From outlining the qualifications for elders, to teaching how both young and old men and women ought to live, Paul outlines with detailed instruction how Christians ought to behave. In the Scripture above, Paul’s advice to Titus is very similar to that which he instructed Timothy. He instructs Titus that young men should set good examples in two areas: their good works and their teaching. As the verse continues on, Paul outlines what teaching should look like. First their teaching should show integrity, meaning that it cannot be corrupted. Second, Paul urges that their teaching be sound and serious, so that no one can question it. His instructions are clear with a stated purpose so that those who oppose their teaching will be shamed, because they cannot utter a negative word due to the integrity and soundness of their teaching.

The reason Paul is so concerned about Godly living and sound teaching, is so that the opponent is put to shame. As Paul earlier gave instructions for the conduct expected of each group of the church, he reinforces the need in this verse that each and every Christian should act in a way that is above reproach. If every elder, young and old man and woman was to act according to his instructions, critics of the church and of Christianity would be put to shame. When opponents to Christianity make rash accusations against a believer, it is Paul’s hope that the conduct and character of each and every Christian would blatantly disprove each opponent-hence his instructions above.

The teaching and reputation of each and every Christian is vital to helping glorify God, and to help fulfill the great commission: making disciples of men.


Give me the wisdom I need daily to lead a life of character and set an example for those around me. God help my speech to be sound and full of integrity. Help me to live a life worthy of the teaching you have called me to, so that I glorify you and your kingdom.
In Jesus’ Name,

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