“For I am not ashamed of the gospel, for it is the power of God for salvation to everyone who believes.”
Romans 1:16
Are you ashamed of the gospel of Jesus? I’m sure most of us would think, “of course not!” When the posts come around on Facebook saying “Share if you love Jesus,” you hit that share button every time right?
What if I told you that’s not the measure of your faith in the gospel. What if I told you that your shame of the gospel is not shown by your Facebook activity but by the face-to-face conversations you have every day. It’s shown by the people you let pass you by without sharing the good news. It’s shown in the countless homeless, orphans, and widows among us that you’ve grown so accustomed to ignoring. Those things indicate a shame of the gospel much more than whether or not you share a post on social media.
So now, let me ask again. Are you ashamed of the gospel of Jesus? Does it embarrass you to talk about with strangers? With friends? Do you get scared to tell someone else about your faith? I can’t lie, I feel that way sometimes too. But Paul entreats us not to be ashamed, and for good reason. He says don’t be ashamed of the gospel, because it is the power that saves all who believe in it. Every time we pass up an opportunity to share the gospel, we deny someone that power. There’s so much at stake. And if we had truly received the gift of the spirit, the assurance of salvation, wouldn’t we be chomping at the bit to share this amazing news with everyone we could find?
Don’t be ashamed of the gospel. Don’t be embarrassed. It’s the power of God at work through Jesus Christ. He will not be put to shame. Don’t be afraid. He will not leave you. Boldly proclaim the good news of Jesus Christ to all who will listen. You hold the key to eternal life. Share it.
Forgive me for the times I’ve failed to share your good news with those around me. Forgive me for the times I’ve been ashamed of the gospel. Give me courage and boldness to share the power of your gospel to all that you give me the opportunity to meet.
In Jesus’ Name,