Daily Devotional – Psalm 34:1 – March 19, 2024

“I will bless the Lord at all times; his praise shall continually be in my mouth.”
Psalm 34:1

How often do you pray? What percentage of the words that you say are praising God?
For me, the answers undoubtedly fall short of the standard set for us in this psalm. I often pray before meals or before bed, but those ritualistic times of prayer don’t really constitute “at all times” or “continually.” Don’t get me wrong, the expectation is not that we are literally constantly praying out loud. Instead, the psalmist is describing a state of being that is intimately connected with God.

Think of it like spending time with your best friend. You may talk a lot, but you can do things and spend time with them without having to speak constantly. You can enjoy an experience with them. You can watch a movie with them. You can just sit around and be bored without anything really to say or to do, but still enjoy their company. In a similar way, we can be connected to God, constantly in prayer and communion with him, without always having to be speaking. Sometimes we listen. Sometimes we simply acknowledge his presence with us and just take comfort from that. We live in such a way as to bring honor to God at all times because we know that he is with us at all times.

It’s a lifestyle that takes a lot of work and practice to build up. You don’t become best friends with someone overnight, you know. Relationships, especially those where you can spend every moment together, take a lot of time to build to that point. We start with prayer and with scripture. Spend time with God. Not just a minute or two before bed, but set aside uninterrupted time to be with God, to pray, to read Scripture, to listen. At first it will seem difficult. Soon, you’ll grow to love and appreciate that time as you grow closer to God. And as you do, you’ll begin to live your life constantly in his presence, always in communion with him, walking with him every step of the way.


Thank you for your presence in our lives. Thank you for the Holy Spirit by whom we may be in relationship with you. Help me to invest and spend time on our relationship and make it stronger every day.
In Jesus’ Name,

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