“Your word is a lamp unto my feet and a light to my path.”
Psalm 119:105
Life moves quickly. In our world, it seems like if you move too slowly or hesitate on a decision, you could miss an opportunity. We can rush to decisions on relationship, jobs, finances, and so much more. Sometimes, we just go to whatever door opens for us first.
Sometimes that works out, sometimes it doesn’t.
As Christians, we should put more weight on our life decisions. We shouldn’t fall to the fast paced pressures of the world, but instead take time to seek guidance and counsel from the Lord. Psalm 119, the longest chapter of the bible and the source of today’s verse, is all about the importance of God’s word and law in our lives. The Psalmist knew how vital it is to let the word of God guide our lives rather than the pressures and influences of the world. The same thing is true now, all these thousands of years later.
Don’t run into the first door that opens. Don’t let the whims of the world carry you through life. Stay firmly planted in the word of God. If you do, it will be a light for your path. It will be the lamp that guides your footsteps. And God has good plans for you, much better than anything we could plan for ourselves. Follow the way that he is leading you, and you will know freedom and life and truth. Follow the way that the word of God points you, and you will know the full life that Jesus promised.
Don’t let the world choose your path, let God. Don’t rush to decisions for fear that the world will leave you behind. God is walking with you and he will never leave you or abandon you. He has good plans for you. All you have to do is follow.
I know that your word is my guide through this life. Help me not to let the distractions of the world drown out your word and your voice in my life. Light up my path and set my feet in the way that you want me to go. I trust that you have a good plan for me.
In Jesus’ Name,