“You will tread our sins underfoot and hurl all our iniquities into the depths of the sea.”
Micah 7:19
Sometimes it’s tempting to carry our sin around with us. Even things that are in the past and that we believe we’ve repented and been forgiven for, we may still carry around in the form of guilt or shame or self-consciousness. It’s what Satan wants us to do, so that he can keep that power over us. The truth is, sometimes carrying that burden can do even more damage to you than the sin itself.
A lot of times we carry this guilt or shame because we feel like we should, like if we don’t, then we must not really regret it. We try to beat ourselves up over it so that we feel like we have really repented. None of that is necessary though, and none of it is helpful.
There is a natural grief over sin. There is a conviction from the Holy Spirit that may lead to feelings of regret and sorrow over the sin. There is, however, no condemnation, no guilt, no shame if you are in Christ. We know that all of our sin has been washed away, held against us no longer, because of Jesus’ sacrifice on the cross.
With that in mind, take a look at today’s verse. This is how God handles our sin after we’ve come to him for forgiveness. He tramples it under his feet. He hurls it into the deepest parts of the sea. It is no longer on our shoulders, it has been disposed of completely. It is gone. Removed. Vanquished. Demolished. Defeated. Done.
Allow the Holy Spirit to show you your sin. Repent and seek forgiveness. Allow Christ to wash you clean and present you as holy to the Father. Allow the Father to delight in removing your sin from you. Don’t cling to it. Don’t hold it on your shoulders. Don’t carry it with you any longer. Let it be trampled underfoot and hurled into the ocean. Let God heal you. Let him make you free.
Thank you for removing my sin from me. Thank you for the forgiveness that we have through Jesus, and thank you for the gift of the Holy Spirit that helps me to discern and turn from my sin.
In Jesus’ Name,