Daily Devotional – Isaiah 43:1 – March 7, 2024

“But now, this is what the LORD says– he who created you, Jacob, he who formed you, Israel: ‘Do not fear, for I have redeemed you; I have summoned you by name; you are mine.’”
Isaiah 43:1

In this passage from Isaiah, the prophet is speaking the word of the Lord to Israel. It is a beautiful message about his faithfulness to his chosen people of Israel. He emphasizes that there is no other god. No idol can save them, and no false god can redeem them, only the Lord.

Often we tend to think of God very differently in the Old Testament versus the New Testament. We may think of God as much more harsh and unforgiving in the Old Testament. The truth is, though, that God is the same then as he was when Jesus walked the earth as he is now. This verse is proof that the loving, merciful God of the New Testament has always been that way.

His message holds true for you today. He was speaking to his chosen people of Israel, and now those of us who are in Christ are the offspring of the promise of Abraham, God’s chosen people. So hear this message today, wherever you are in your walk with God. If there is sin in your life, if you are a slave to any kind of unrighteousness, if you feel plagued with temptation, know this: you are one of God’s chosen people. He called you by name. He chose you. You are his beloved child. And he has redeemed you. Do not be afraid. Do not give up hope. You belong to the most high God and he will never forsake you. As Paul says in 2 Timothy, when we are faithless, he is still faithful.

He has not and will not give up on you. He created you. He formed you in your mother’s womb. He called you by name to be his own dearly loved child. And he wants, more than anything else, to redeem you. He wants to remove the sin from your life, to deliver you from the temptation, to free you of your slavery to guilt and shame. He loves you.

All you have to do is turn to him, believe Him, love Him, and he will redeem you.


Thank you for these encouraging words. There is so much peace and comfort in knowing that you have chosen us to be your own, that you love us, and that you are faithful to us always. We know that we haven’t earned this love, but that it is simply your nature to love us. We are thankful for that. We love you, Father. Redeem us and make us holy and righteous like you.
In Jesus’ Name,

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