“I will refresh the weary and satisfy the faint.”
Jeremiah 31:25
This is a simple message of encouragement.
Sometimes we can get so caught up in the stress of life, and we forget to look to our source of peace, life, and strength. At worst, sometimes we can even let our faith become more of a chore than a relief. Today, I want to remind you that no matter what you face, what stress is weighing you down, or what obstacles are in your way, God is on your side.
When things are difficult, it is vital to take some time reflecting on the love that God has for you. You’re his prized possession, a masterpiece of his own doing. When we face hard times, when life is feeling like too much, God isn’t far away. He hears you, he’s fighting for you, and he won’t leave you.
It doesn’t always feel like that’s true, I know. But the problem is never that God has left you behind or forgotten about you. Sometimes it’s the opposite. But wherever you are and whatever has happened or is happening in your life, he will be there if you will simply look for him.
He is able to restore you. He is able to give you peace and contentment even in the face of very difficult circumstances. He gives hope. He provides clarity and wisdom. He is a shelter in the storm, a stronghold, a refuge for you any time you might need it.
Don’t forget to look for him in the struggle. Set your eyes on him, remember his promises, and he will be near to you always. Don’t let the world, your stress, or anything else get in the way of that. Your relationship with God will always be the only thing in this world that will always be there for you.
Thank you for being our strength, our peace, and our satisfaction. Thank you for the encouragement that comes from knowing that you’re with us, protecting us, refreshing us, and fighting for us. It’s good to know that when we’re not strong enough, you are.
In Jesus’ Name,