April 22nd is celebrated globally as Earth Day, a time to honor our sacred responsibility as stewards of God’s creation. This day invites us to reflect on our relationship with the natural world, combining environmental awareness with spiritual devotion. Through prayer, we express gratitude for the gift of creation while seeking wisdom to protect and preserve our common home.
Date Context
Date: April 22
Season: Spring / Earth Day
Theme: Creation Care and Environmental Stewardship
April 22 Prayer – Divine Promise
Lord our God,
We wait in expectation.
Even in the great distress on earth,
we wait in longing for your day to come,
for the pangs of death to pass,
so that your kingdom may arise
and the reign of Jesus Christ may spread
over the whole world in power and glory.
May your promise be fulfilled
and your will be done on earth.
May there always be people who believe and who pray in faith,
“Lord God, come! Come, Lord God.
Humankind does not understand how to live.
Send us Jesus Christ, the Savior, Lord,
and Judge of the dead and the living.
Put an end to sin and death!”
We thank you for giving us this faith
and for letting us pray at all times,
“Come, Lord Jesus. Yes, come soon, Lord Jesus!”
We ask you to protect us in this faith.
Bring this faith to fulfillment for the glory of your name.
Best Times for This Prayer:
April 22 Prayer – Love and Obedience
I thank you because you love me,
you care for me, and you are protecting me.
You have been so wonderful to me
right from the beginning and till now you are still wonderful.
I know that believing in Jesus is not enough.
Lord, I want to love you and to love you more.
I want to obey all that you’ve told us to do
for doing this shows the level of faith I have in you
and how much I love you.
Help me Lord to start obeying your words
and follow your steps.
Whatever you order me to do,
give me the strength to do it well in Jesus name.
Best Times for This Prayer:
Scripture for This Day
Devotional Reflection
Earth Day reminds us of our divine calling as stewards of God’s creation. As we pray on this day, we recognize that environmental care is not just a secular concern but a spiritual imperative, rooted in our responsibility to tend and protect what God has entrusted to us.
The first prayer acknowledges the current distress on earth while maintaining hope in God’s promises. It speaks to our role in bringing about God’s kingdom, which includes the restoration and healing of our planet.
The second prayer emphasizes that our love for God must be expressed through action and obedience. On Earth Day, this particularly relates to our duty to care for creation, recognizing that environmental stewardship is one way we demonstrate our faith and love for God.