Daily Devotional – Revelation 5:13 – October 31, 2023

“Then I heard every creature in heaven and on earth and under the earth and on the sea, and all that is in them, saying: “To him who sits on the throne and to the Lamb be praise and honor and glory and power, for ever and ever!”
Revelation 5:13

When I was younger, every once in a while I used to think about the end of the world. I would think about pure the concept of pure nothingness, not pain necessarily, just completely ceasing to exist. It’s nearly impossible to wrap your head around. It’s unlike anything we’ve experienced. Of course, it’s not what we as Christians believe what will happen when the world ends, but it’s what my younger mind used to wander to often. It was scary. Terrifying, really. It used to make me sick to my stomach to think about.

But this is a picture of the end of the end times that can give me hope. Rather than thinking about myself and my own end, this Scripture points my attention to where it should be. It’s a powerful scene. The end of times has come and it’s not a big explosion or a catastrophic volcano that wipes out the earth. Instead, it’s Jesus coming back, coming to restore the earth and all who believe in him to God eternally. In that moment, every creature in heaven and on earth and under the earth and on the sea and in the sea cries out together in praise to God, “To him who sits on the throne and to the Lamb be praise and honor and glory and power, for ever and ever!”

What an incredible scene! What a powerful moment! Oh, to be able to witness that day, when Jesus returns and the entirety of all creation bows before him and acknowledges him as the one and only king. That, friends, is a beautiful thought. How good and how perfect it will be when the Lord reigns and there are none left to deny him, none left to persecute him. When all praise and honor and glory and power are given to the one and only God who is worthy. What a beautiful day it will be.

The end of the world doesn’t scare me anymore. I know that when that day comes, I will be among those bowing down to worship my God, and there is nothing more reassuring than that.


I pray that Jesus will return soon. Come and restore this earth, and restore us to you eternally. I pray that whether that day comes first, or we meet the end of our earthly lives first, that the blood of Jesus will redeem us and deliver us into eternity with you. Our hope rests in that alone.
In Jesus’ Name,

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