Daily Devotional

Daily Devotional – Romans 14:11 – August 14, 2023

It is written: ‘As surely as I live,’ says the Lord, ‘every knee will bow before me; every tongue will acknowledge God.’
Romans 14:11

It’s not uncommon to come across people in this world who don’t believe in God. Sometimes as a Christian it feels offensive or even insulting. Sometimes it’s just downright discouraging, especially when we see ungodly people living successful and pleasant lives. It can be confusing and frustrating and upsetting all at the same time. But this verse gives us the reason to carry on in our faith, not swayed by the unbelievers but always doing what we can to bring them to God.

Paul writes in his letter to the Romans that one day, “we will all stand before the judgment seat of God.” When that day comes, there will be no doubting. There will be no unbelief. There will be no choice but to believe because we will stand in front of the throne of God to be judged. Every knee will bow before him. Every tongue will confess that he is God. There will be no atheism or agnosticism. In the presence of God, all will know the truth.

But judgment will not go the same for everyone. For Christians, we know that through Jesus, we have been saved from the condemnation that our sin deserves, and will receive the reward of eternal life that He deserves. For those who don’t yet believe, there will be punishment. It will be too late to acknowledge God, too late to accept Christ as Savior. But then again, if someone goes their whole life believing they don’t need saving, they may not even think so on that day.

The point is, when we have those moments of frustration or discouragement in the face of unbelievers in this world, we must remember two things. First, judgment will come one day, and our faith will be proven, and if we are in Christ, we will be saved. Second, the unbelievers will face judgment just the same, but they will have no savior to help them. It’s our job to help them never to have to face that, but instead come to know Jesus during their lifetime. When you think of where they’re headed after judgment, it’s hard to wish that on anyone. It’s our calling as Christians to try to bring them along with us into eternal life through Christ. After all, we don’t deserve it any more than they do, only Christ does. He gave us the free gift, now let’s go bring that gift to the world.


Help me not to envy the success of worldly people. Help me not to be discouraged by the lack of faith in the world. Instead, help me to be the catalyst for change that brings your Kingdom to the world around me.
In Jesus’ Name,

About Stephen s. griffin

Stephen S. Griffin is the founder of GuidedByPrayer.com and is dedicated to helping individuals find peace, purpose, and direction through prayer and spiritual practices. Connect with us on social media to receive daily inspiration, prayer support, and faith-filled encouragement.

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