“You are my hiding place; you will protect me from trouble and surround me with songs of deliverance.” Psalm 32:7
Have you ever felt as if the world was crashing down around you, or maybe in a more likely sense that you just didn’t want to get out of bed to face the day before you? Life can bring challenges each and every day, but thankfully as Christians we are not alone. God provides for His people a safe haven in His presence, a hiding place separate from the world. The verse above does not say to hide from God and trouble, but instead says, You, Oh God, are my hiding place, my refuge. The Lord will protect you from the troubles of the world. Not only does he provide a safe place and protect his people from trouble, but he surrounds us with songs of deliverance or victory.
In 1 Samuel 19, the scripture speaks of David seeking a safe place from the wrath of King Saul who was out to kill him. When King Saul began searching for David to kill him, it was Saul’s own son, Jonathan, who warned David that he must find a safe place to hide or less he be killed. Imagine the fear David must have felt knowing that the King was out searching for him to kill him. That fear alone must be more than the challenges we face each and every day. Yet, the same God who provided a safe hiding place for David, will also provide you with a safe place from the day-to-day troubles we may encounter.
God doesn’t promise to take away our troubles, but he does give us a safe place to rest. He will surround us with victory and deliver us from the difficulties we may face, as long as we run to Him.
Thank you for providing a safe place for me when I need a refuge from the world around me. God help me to run to you at the first sight of trouble, and deliver me from the dilemmas I may encounter.
In Jesus’ Name,