Daily Devotional

Daily Devotional – Psalm 30:11-12 – September 5, 2023

“You turned my wailing into dancing; you removed my sackcloth and clothed me with joy, that my heart may sing your praises and not be silent. O LORD my God, I will praise you forever.” Psalm 30:11-12

Throughout Scripture, an evident theme that continues to surface is God’s ability to take negative circumstances and transform them into positive ones that glorify Him. Whether it is the story of Israel and their rescue from their enslavement to the Egyptians, to Abram and Sarah welcoming the birth of their son after decades of a barren womb, or even in the New Testament as the Virgin Mary became mother to Jesus, God’s own Son, the theme of redemption or restoration is clearly evident.

In the scripture above, David is celebrating the Lord’s ability to transform his suffering into a victory. “You have turned my mourning into dancing” highlights the two extremes so well and David is able to so easily recognize that God alone is responsible for the joy that has come after his hardship. David was no stranger to sorrow, but he was also quick to bite that “joy comes in the morning” (Psalm 30:5).

David did not allow himself to wear the bitter garments of sorrow and morning, but was willing to wear the new clothes of joy that God provided him. David faced many hardships throughout his life, enemies that sought to kill him, sickness, and discouragement, but he still turned to God as his helper. David discovered that God would transform and redeem his circumstances-that moments of darkness would follow with moments of dancing and joy. Because of his understanding, David could better trust God and not fear his circumstances. His joy radiates throughout scripture, particularly throughout Psalms.

How easily do we get caught up in our circumstances, and in our mourning that we forget the joy God will bring in the morning? If we only live in reaction to our daily circumstances, our lives will be full of anger, bitterness, and frustration. Instead, learn to trust God. Seek ways to find new joy every morning, despite the world around you.


You are a God of power and restoration. You are a helper when I am in need. Despite the world around me and the sufferings I may face, please help me to seek your joy every morning.
In Jesus’ Name,

About Stephen s. griffin

Stephen S. Griffin is the founder of GuidedByPrayer.com and is dedicated to helping individuals find peace, purpose, and direction through prayer and spiritual practices. Connect with us on social media to receive daily inspiration, prayer support, and faith-filled encouragement.

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