Daily Devotional

Daily Devotional – Psalm 1:3 – February 15, 2023

“He is like a tree planted by streams of water that yields fruit in its season, and its leaf does not wither. In all that he does, he prospers.”
Psalm 1:3

Have you ever planted a tree? Whether it’s a seedling or a more grown up tree that you bought from a nursery, it’s a tough task. The most vital part of keeping the tree alive, especially in its first few years, is water. I planted a maple tree in my yard at the end of last summer. Its trunk is only a couple inches around and it’s about 10 feet tall. When I planted it, I had to dig deep into the ground, deeper even than the root ball that came out of the pot. It had to be deep enough that it could take root, find water, and not be scorched in the sun. I had to water it twice a day every day to make sure that it didn’t dry out. Suffice it to say that growing a tree in the front yard of a house in the middle of a big city, far from any streams, is no easy task.

Many of us, however, are trying to do exactly that with our own spiritual lives. We’re planting in arid soil, far away from the streams that will nourish us. In our lives, this comes in the form of worldliness, materialism, and idolatry. When we plant our roots into soil that has no nourishment for us, it’s hard for us to grow. That’s why the psalmist compares a righteous man to a tree planted by a stream.

A tree planted by streams of water will never dry out. It’ll never be starved of nutrients. Its roots can grow deep into the earth, and drink deeply. The tree that is planted by a stream is consistently provided for, taken care of. A tree that is properly nourished will grow and flourish. In its season, it will bear fruit; probably more fruit and better fruit than a tree starved for water.

We have to plant ourselves near the stream. Where exactly is that? Near to God. Immerse yourself in God’s word through scripture. Spend time talking to God in prayer. Set yourself up to drink deeply and be nourished by our constant source of life. Write His word on your heart. Delight yourself in His law. Meditate on Him day and night. Let your roots grow deep into the foundation of Christ that will never run dry.



Help me to spend time planting my own roots in your word. Give me the discipline and dedication to focus my heart on you, to delight in your word, and to drink deeply of the life you give. Thank you for your unending streams of living water.

In Jesus’ Name,


About Stephen s. griffin

Stephen S. Griffin is the founder of GuidedByPrayer.com and is dedicated to helping individuals find peace, purpose, and direction through prayer and spiritual practices. Connect with us on social media to receive daily inspiration, prayer support, and faith-filled encouragement.

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