Daily Devotional

Daily Devotional – Psalm 119:9‬ – March 16, 2024

“How can a young man keep his way pure? By guarding it according to your word.”
Psalm 119:9

In a world that often feels so wicked and perverse, we may often find ourselves wondering how one can possibly follow God right. How, among all this sin and darkness, can we not be led astray or lose our way. Especially for a young person who is still learning and growing in their faith, how can someone keep their path straight?

This psalm gives us a very straightforward but profound answer.

Guard your path with the word of God.

At my house, there is a gravel pathway through the grass in the backyard. To keep the pathway from being overgrown with the grass that surrounds it, there are bricks lining both sides of the path. They’re partially buried in the ground so that they stay in place and so that no grass can grow under them. Because these bricks line the edge of the path, grass doesn’t grow inside of it. The path stays clear. It won’t be overgrown or hidden.

In the same way, we must guard our lives with the word of God. Scripture should be lining both sides of our path, keeping out the grass and weeds, and keeping the path clear and straight. Scripture should be the tool we use to judge right from wrong. It is the guide for all of our discernment and judgement. It is our compass to stay in the right direction. It is our lamp to light the way through even the darkest night.

The word of God is our path. It is our only chance at keeping our way pure. We must guard our lives by the word of God and protect our hearts from the world that is trying to lead us astray. The word of God is the most powerful protection that we have, and it is always available to us, always relevant to us, and always good. Don’t underestimate it, don’t undervalue it, and don’t forget to use it.


Thank you for your word that guides our lives. I pray that you help us to guide our paths with your holy Scripture on every side, that no evil will find its way in to lead us off track. I pray that you would bless us through the reading of your word and that you would write it on our hearts that we would not easily forget it.
In Jesus’ Name,

About Stephen s. griffin

Stephen S. Griffin is the founder of GuidedByPrayer.com and is dedicated to helping individuals find peace, purpose, and direction through prayer and spiritual practices. Connect with us on social media to receive daily inspiration, prayer support, and faith-filled encouragement.

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