Daily Devotional

Daily Devotional – Mark 13:22 – August 01, 2024

“For there will arise false christs and false prophets, and will show signs and wonders, that they may lead astray, if possible, even the chosen ones.” – Mark 13:22

When I read this verse, I am reminded of the warning Jesus gave about the deception that will come in the end times, emphasizing the need for discernment and spiritual vigilance.

Mark 13:22 warns us about the presence of false christs and prophets who will attempt to lead even the elect astray with signs and wonders. As Christians, we must be rooted in God’s Word, prayerful, and discerning to recognize and resist deception. We can guard our hearts and minds by staying close to Jesus, testing everything against the truth of Scripture, and seeking the guidance of the Holy Spirit.


Dear Lord, help us to be wise and discerning in a world filled with deception. Grant us the strength to stand firm in our faith, rooted in Your truth, and shielded by Your Spirit. Protect us from the schemes of the enemy and guide us in discerning what is true and false. In Jesus’ Name, Amen.

About Stephen s. griffin

Stephen S. Griffin is the founder of GuidedByPrayer.com and is dedicated to helping individuals find peace, purpose, and direction through prayer and spiritual practices. Connect with us on social media to receive daily inspiration, prayer support, and faith-filled encouragement.

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