Daily Devotional

Daily Devotional – Lamentations 3:25 – June 22, 2023

“The Lord is good to those who wait for him, to the soul who seeks him.”
Lamentations 3:25

In a society where we can have almost anything in the snap of a finger with Amazon Prime, food-delivery services, ride-sharing, and more, waiting is becoming a more difficult subject to comprehend. Why wait when we want it now?

The Hebrew word for wait is qavah and means to wait for or to eagerly expect something. In the context of this verse, the word “wait” is used in the “eagerly expect” definition. From the verse above, how are you waiting or eagerly expecting the Lord? Throughout Scripture, there are countless examples of men and women who eagerly wait for the Lord, men and women who faithfully sought after God. Think of Abraham, waiting years for the Lord’s promise of a son who would continue his lineage. Think of Jacob, who patiently worked as he waited to marry his wife Rachel. Think of the prophets, who eagerly expected the birth of Jesus, knowing he would save all of mankind. Lastly, think of the disciples who had to eagerly and nervously wait for Jesus to be resurrected three days after his murder on the cross. Time and time again Scripture provides evidence of faithful servants of God, waiting for Him and his timing.

In our time, we expect instant gratification, but what does it mean when we wait for the Lord? How do we eagerly expect Him in our day to day lives? As we rush through our day to day lives, do you find yourself feeling like God doesn’t keep up? That He takes his time a lot more often than you wish? God is the ultimate creator, teacher, and knows all. He created time after all! God knows and understands the benefit of waiting, in a culture that seems to only know instant gratification. God instructs us to wait, and to seek him in our seasons of waiting. What are you waiting for? Perhaps it is a spouse, an answered prayer, and illness to be cured. Whatever you find yourself waiting and hoping that God would “speed up the process” instead try coming before the Lord and asking Him to reveal himself to you in the wait. There is much to be learned by patiently waiting for the Lord.


Heavenly Father,
Please forgive me of my hastiness. Lord, help me to appreciate the wait and reveal to me whatever it is I can learn from this season. I trust you and your timing, and I want to eagerly expect you.
In Jesus’ Name,

About Stephen s. griffin

Stephen S. Griffin is the founder of GuidedByPrayer.com and is dedicated to helping individuals find peace, purpose, and direction through prayer and spiritual practices. Connect with us on social media to receive daily inspiration, prayer support, and faith-filled encouragement.

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