“The steadfast love of the Lord never ceases; his mercies never come to an end; they are new every morning; great is your faithfulness.”
Lamentations 3:22-23
His mercies are new every morning. What a beautiful thought. Every morning, every new day, His mercy for us is renewed. For us sinners, that’s such a reassuring thought. Every single day, I fall short of God’s will for me and for my life. I fall short of the commands of Christ. I sin. And every single day, God gives me new mercy, a clean slate, a chance to start again.
It is vital to the whole faith of Christianity that God gives mercy without limits. If there were any limit to the grace God gave, we would be lost. We constantly need and rely on the mercy and grace of God. And thankfully, he provides.
Great is his faithfulness. He provides because he is faithful. He gives us grace because he is fulfilling faithfully the promise that he gave to us through Jesus. Through Christ, a new covenant was made, a new law. It replaced the law of sin and death and sacrifice with the law of grace. Our sin isn’t met with condemnation, but redemption. Our shortcomings don’t demand punishment, but mercy. It’s completely beyond what we deserve, but God is faithful in following through with his promises, even when we don’t hold up our end.
He is steadfast. He doesn’t change. His love for you doesn’t change. His mercy never ends.
I praise you for your great faithfulness. I thank you for the love you show me and for the mercy you provide for me even when I fail you. Thank you for redeeming me, setting me free from sin and death, and raising me to new life with Christ.
In Jesus’ Name,