“Even to your old age and gray hairs
I am he, I am he who will sustain you.
I have made you and I will carry you;
I will sustain you and I will rescue you.”
Isaiah 46:4
There’s not a lot that we can really count on these days. Our cell phones are built to wear out just in time for the next big thing to go on sale, our cars start to break down as soon as the warranty runs out, it seems like everything is built to fail sooner or later. Reliability just isn’t as much of a priority as aesthetics and status. It is when we get caught up in these fleeting things of the world that we most need this reminder from Isaiah.
God is reliable. God is steadfast. It says that even into our old age, God will sustain us. Throughout our lives, God doesn’t change. He remains our true source of sustenance in every way. He is the one who made us. He is the one who carries us through. He is the one who sustain us. And in the end, he is the one who will save us.
In a world of unreliability, this truth is so reassuring. To know that we serve and love a steadfast and unchanging God, always reliable, always faithful, always loving. He is as much a part of our lives on the last day as he is on the first. He formed us in our mother’s womb, he saw us through this life, and he will carry us into the next.
Praise God for his unfailing and unchanging love!
Today, reflect on the things in your life that you have placed your trust and your hope in. Are they really stable? Are they truly reliable? In the end, the only thing that we can truly trust enough to place our full hope in is God. I urge you, don’t let your hope and your motivation come from fleeting things on this earth. Let your sustenance come from the eternal, faithful, and unchanging God.
Thank you for your never-failing love for us. From before we were ever born until the day that we die, you are with us. We pray that you would sustain us through this life, and carry us home to you in the next.
In Jesus’ Name,